Posted on October 31, 2017
By Will Frampton, Daily Echo
Construction work is nearing the finish line for Poole’s new South Quay.
Due to be up and running in January, the £10 million expansion will be the biggest new port development on the south coast for many years, providing longer and deeper mooring facilities.
The first phase of Poole Harbour Commissioner’s (PHC) ‘masterplan’, the quay will allow the port to compete across a wider range of shipping and marine activities, in particular cruises, bulk cargo, project cargo and short sea container lines.
Jim Stewart, PHC chief executive, said: “We are very pleased to be nearing completion on this exciting first phase of Poole Harbour Commissioner’s masterplan for the port.
“Progress has been well managed and serves as a testament to the skilled contractors involved.
“This expansion is essential to competing on a grander shipping scale and opens the doors to a greater variety of customers coming to Poole Harbour in the future.
“Response has been very positive so far.
“We are confident Poole will become a key port for cruise companies in the coming years.”
PHC says it is currently in discussions with “interested companies”, and Cruise and Maritime Voyages has already announced South Quay as a new cruise port for sailing routes in its summer and autumn 2018 programme.
As part of the Port Master Plan, the expansion will be able to receive ships of up to 1,000 passengers – with 25 cruise calls expected in 2018 – bringing revenue to Poole’s economy.
The 200m long and 40m wide deep water quay will be more than 9m in depth and able to provide accommodation for vessels up to 200m in length.
Construction of the new quay, by BAM Nuttall Ltd, required 1,700 tons of steel piles, all delivered by sea, as well as 150,000 cubic metres of sand used during development with reclamation fill taken directly from the port’s maintenance dredging scheme.
PHC says this has removed the need for additional congestion through road deliveries and enabled the use of a ‘waste’ product in the new construction.
Source: Daily Echo