Posted on July 5, 2021
The Town of Camden-On-Gauley hosted a dedication ceremony for the Cranberry Ridge and Gauley Mills Waterline Extension on June 22, 2021.
The ceremony was attended by Mayor Lisa Cutlip, Lt. Col. Robin Scott, Deputy Commander of the USACE Huntington District, Wayne Morgan, WVIJDC Executive Director, Representing Governor Jim Justice and representatives for Congresswoman Carol Miller, Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Senator Joe Manchin. Mayor Cutlip was instrumental in obtaining support for the project to provide a safe, reliable source of drinking water to both existing and future residents.
“I want to especially recognize the extraordinary efforts by Mayor Lisa Cutlip,” said Lt. Col. Scott. “You have been the catalyst that has made today possible and we all owe you a debt of gratitude.”
The proposed Cranberry Ridge and Gauley Mills Water Extension will help bring potable water to areas that do not currently have public water and fire services. The proposed project will bring potable water to approximately 84 potential customers. This will be accomplished by installing new water line and fire hydrants in these areas. The potential customer count was determined by field count performed in conjunction by the engineer and district personnel.
The Town of Camden was severely impacted by the June 23, 2016 flood. The community sustained substantial property damage and many of the town’s customers were lost. The Cranberry Ridge and Gauley Mills Waterline Extension project presented the town with an opportunity to offset its losses in areas that are safe outside of the floodplain. The project had enormous amount of support from the residents.
The Town of Camden-On-Gauley applied with WV Infrastructure and Jobs Development in 2016. USACE partners with the WVIJDC to obtain applications to consider for funding if Congress allocates funds to the program.