Posted on May 19, 2016
The Chairman Designate of Cowes Harbour Commission, David Riley, extends an invitation to all harbour users to attend a ‘Public Presentation & Review of the Cowes Outer Harbour Project’ on Thursday, 19th May at 1900 at the Island Sailing Club in Cowes.
Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) undertook a review of the Cowes Breakwater Project in 2015 following concerns and stakeholder comments on the changes to tidal flows and apparent increased sedimentation in the harbour.
CHC also committed to carrying out another project review and stakeholder consultation before any decisions are made on the second and third phases of harbour infrastructure; namely, the Shrape breakwater extension, dredging of the new Eastern Channel and dredging of the basin for the Homes and Communities Agency planned new marina in East Cowes.
At the public meeting on 19th May, CHC will be joined by programme managers Marina Projects and consultant hydrodynamic engineers ABPmer to present a progress update on the harbour modelling works, and to explain design options for the Eastern Channel and Shrape extension. The joint presentation will be followed by an opportunity for public questions and discussion.
The public meeting will result in the commencement of a month-long period of stakeholder consultation up to Monday, 20th June with regard to the way forward for Cowes Harbour and the next phases of the harbour protection programme.
Source: Cowes Harbour Commission