Posted on November 13, 2018
The lake dredging of Carolina Beach has caused the town countless problems since its inception and was suspended after dredging spoils were being placed on federal property without proper permissions. Now, more than a year and hundreds of thousands of dollars later, the town has found a potential site to put the dredging materials — but residents near the proposed site are not happy about the town’s choice.
Related: Carolina Beach looking to dump lake dredging debris near federal LORAN Station property
The potential site is in unincorporated New Hanover County, north across Snow’s Cut Bridge. Residents of nearby The Cape neighborhood live are making their voices heard to the town and demanding answers.
Several emails containing the same message have been sent to Town Manager Ed Parvin and the Town of Carolina Beach voicing concerns with the plan to dump the spoils.
“As a resident of The Cape subdivision, I am writing to you to voice my concern and opposition to the Town of Carolina Beach’s plan to dump the waste from the lake dredging project on to Parcel R08500-002-006-002. This parcel of land abuts Parcel R08500-002-068-000, which is part of The Cape subdivision. I question exactly what will be dumped there, and what are the proposed actions to establish natural ecosystem function, to remediate and control on/off-site transport of materials at the dump site and prevent seepage into the ground waters of the local area and our aqua well water we drink,” the emails state.
Parvin acknowledges the site is one the town has been looking at but stated nothing is certain just yet.
“The Cape neighborhood backs up the Loran Station and our property. The Town has been looking for a site to put the CB Lake spoils materials for several years. The Town’s property in the vicinity of the old CG Loran Station does appear to be a viable option worth exploring. However, prior to moving forward with this or any option the Town will fully vet the impacts and ensure all required permits and environmental concerns are addressed,” Parvin said.
He also said that if the impacts of the lake spoils being placed on the property would be harmful to property owners the town would not proceed — but there is still a lot of work to be done before he makes any decision.
“If our plan to utilize the site will negatively impact adjacent property owners and/or is not fiscally viable then we will not move forward. Right now we are still gathering information so no immediate action is being taken to utilize the property. Once we have all engineering and environmental permitting documents we will submit our final plan to be reviewed and scrutinized by all required regulatory agencies,” Parvin said.
Source: Port City Daily