Posted on July 11, 2019
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District is accepting public comments for the proposed dredging at Bird River and Railroad Creek.
The work would include dredging 26,630 linear feet of the main channel to widths of 30 to 90 feet and to depths of 5 feet to -4 feet MLW. Dredging of 48 spur channels would encompass 6,050 linear feet removing 103,969 cubic yards of material. The dredged material would be transferred and placed over a two-year period in the Bird River Creek Dredged Material Placement site. In addition, to dredging, the Bird River Creek placement site would be excavated as part of a rehabilitation project to increase capacity to 111,976 cubic yards.
Of the total dredging in the main channel of Bird River, approximately 1,137 linear feet (1.08 acres) will be new dredging and the remaining 25,493 linear feet (50.22 acres) will be dredging of areas previously dredged. Of the total 48 spur channels to be dredged, 36 spurs will be new dredging (2.6 acres) and the remaining 12 spurs (1.9 acres) will be dredging of areas previously dredged.
The purpose of the proposed work is to improve navigable access within the areas. Portions of this project were previously dredged between 2002 and 2004. Since then, channel depths have decreased in varying amounts due to sedimentation and littoral drift.
Written comments and/or requests for public hearing should be sent to the District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, State College Field Office, 1631 South Atherton Street, Suite 101, State College, Pennsylvania, 16801. The deadline for comments is August 2.
Questions concerning this matter should be directed to Amy Elliott at (814) 235-0573 or