Posted on July 11, 2017
By Ann Marie Temple, Branson News
Through Aug. 31, the Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District is seeking public comments on two Table Rock Lake plans.
The Table Rock Lake Shoreline Management Plan and the 2014 Table Rock Lake Master Plan are available online for the public to review, Laurie Driver, public information officer for the Corps, said in a phone interview.
There will be workshops held during the last week of July and the beginning of August, Driver said, but there are no specific dates set. When the dates are chosen, the Corps will send out a press release.
During the workshops, representatives from the Corps will present an overview of the draft plan and will also answer questions and collect public comments, a press release from the Corps states.
The Corps, which Driver said is directed by law to allow public input, is asking everyone to participate.
“We would like everyone to look at the plans online and come to the workshops if they can,” she said, and if they can’t attend the workshops, “let their voices be heard and leave comments.”
Comments can be mailed to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District, Programs and Project Management Division, ATTN: Table Rock SMP, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, AR., 72203-0867, or comments can be emailed to CESWL-TableRockShorelineManagmentPlanUpdate@usace.army.mil.
An online comment card, draft documents and more information are available at go.usa.gov/xN92J.
Source: Branson Tri-Lakes News