Posted on June 8, 2021
Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District, Rep. Frank J. Mrvan (IN-1), and Hobart Mayor Brian Snedecor marked the end of a sanitary sewer infrastructure improvement project in Hobart, Indiana.
“Thank you to Mayor Snedecor and his incredible team with the City of Hobart and all of the leaders at the Army Corps of Engineers for successfully realizing this critical investment in our water infrastructure,” Rep. Frank J. Mrvan said. “It is because of your action that the livelihoods of current residents and future generations will be improved, and this will further attract more economic activity to Hobart and our entire region.”
The project included construction of sanitary sewer within the roadway right of way along 6th Street. The western portion of the project between the Oak Savannah Trail and Indiana Street included installing an eight-inch gravity sanitary sewer system. In addition, the project extended to Fleming Street north of 10th Street. The improvements also extended a small diameter force main from an existing eight-inch sanitary sewer located at the intersection of Paula Court and Debie Lane.
“The people of Hobart realize better than most how important water is to the quality of our lives,” Hobart Mayor Brian Snedecor said. “That is why we continue to seek projects that not only serve the needs of our constituents, but also protect the waters so vital to life. The elimination of aged septic systems has been a long-term goal of the Hobart Sanitary District. We are ever grateful for the support from the Congressman’s office and the assistance of the Army Corps of Engineers that has been crucial in accomplishing this goal.”
In September 2019 a contract was awarded to Grimmer Construction Inc. of Highland, Indiana, for $799,031. Field construction was completed in November 2020.
The project is authorized under Section 219(f)(12) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992, Public Law 102-580, as amended, Section 502 of WRDA 1999, and by Section 108 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2001. Section 219, as amended, allows the Army Corps of Engineers to provide planning, design and construction assistance for carrying out water-related environmental infrastructure projects in select areas. The project under this authority are cost shared 75% federal and 25% nonfederal sponsor.
“Infrastructure improvement projects are the result of partnerships among federal, regional, and local agencies,” USACE Chicago District Deputy District Engineer Lt. Col. Matthew Broderick said. “Hobart has been a great partner throughout. It is great to complete projects like this in your community that help improve the quality of life for residents.”