Posted on February 8, 2016
By Dan Scanlan, jacksonville.com
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Jacksonville District is urging boaters to use caution near its project in the St. Johns River in the Chicopit Bay and Helen Cooper Floyd Park area near Mayport Naval Station.
The Corps Mile Point Training Wall Reconfiguration Project will continue through November where the St. Johns River meets the Intracoastal Waterway. The project will improve vessel navigation by rerouting navigable waters in Chicopit Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway, relocate and redesign the existing wall, restore Great Marsh Island and create a flow improvement channel in the bay, according to corps officials. Changes will occur in the waterway during construction, including removal of two navigable waterways in the bay, while dredging equipment in the water may also affect navigation.