Posted on October 30, 2017
By Matthew Twist, WAVY.com
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a draft feasibility report for addressing coastal storm and flood risk to vulnerable property, populations, ecosystems, and infrastructure.
The drafts proposes $1.8 billion in improvements that include a combination of structural, nonstructural, and Natural and Nature-based features (NNBFs) to reduce flood risk across large segments of the city.
A portion of the report released addresses both temporary and permanent adverse impacts on essential fish habitat, federally listed threatened and endangered species, marine mammals, navigation, recreation, wetlands, cultural resources, and visual resources.
The Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management Study is a comprehensive 3-year, $3 million investigation of coastal storm risk management problems and solutions in Norfolk.
The report is available here http://www.nao.usace.army.mil/NCSRM/
Source: WAVY.com