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Corps’ Detroit office awards dredging contract for Holland Harbor

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, recently awarded a contract for dredging in western Michigan, on Lake Michigan.

Posted on July 28, 2020

DETROIT — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, recently awarded a contract for dredging in western Michigan, on Lake Michigan.

The Corps awarded a maintenance dredging contract for Holland (Outer) Harbor in June to Luedtke Engineering Company from Frankfort, Michigan. The contract (award number W911 XK20C0012) was for more than $455,000 to dredge almost 49,000 cubic yards of material from Holland (Outer) Harbor. Material from the site will be placed near the shoreline in the most landward eight foot depth starting north of the breakwater.

“This important work will keep the shipping channel open as part of the Great Lakes Navigation System as an economically and environmentally viable means of transporting commodities,” said Bob Jarema, project manager.

Cargo traversing through Holland Harbor includes construction aggregate, large stone for erosion protection projects and metal recycling.

Work for the Holland Harbor dredging project started July 2020 and is expected to be completed by September 2020. The last time Holland (Outer) Harbor was dredged was 2019.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, maintains a navigation system of 84 harbors and connecting channels, including the channels joining lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, St. Clair and Erie.

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Penny Carroll
313-910-0983 (cell)


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