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Corps advises mariners of maintenance at Maxwell Locks and Dam

Photo By Andrew Byrne | Maxwell Locks and Dam on the Monongahela River.

Posted on May 11, 2020

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District is advising mariners that scheduled maintenance is ongoing at Maxwell Locks and Dam on the Monongahela River.

The district’s dive team will perform underwater dive work on the upper guide wall in both the primary and auxiliary chambers. Additionally, the regional repair fleet will perform work on dam gates.

“When responsible for keeping navigation flowing through some of the oldest locks and dams in the nation, maintenance and dedicated employees are key,” said Col. Andrew Short, district commander. “The maintenance is necessary to ensure our nation’s commodities continue to reach their destinations.”

To support the work in the lock chambers and ensure navigation continues, intermittent closures are needed.

Both chambers will be closed to navigation from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the following dates:
Monday, May 18 through Friday, May 22
Monday, May 25 through Friday, May 29
Monday, June 1 through Friday, June 1

Either chamber might be closed alternately to navigation traffic intermittently on the following dates:
Monday, May 18 through Friday, June 19

All local traffic is encouraged to closely monitor mariner radio on Channel 13 because as work progresses schedules could change.

For the complete navigation notice, please visit:

Pittsburgh District’s 26,000 square miles include portions of western Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia, eastern Ohio, western Maryland and southwestern New York. Our jurisdiction includes more than 328 miles of navigable waterways, 23 navigation locks and dams, 16 multi-purpose flood control reservoirs, 42 local flood protection projects, and other projects designed to protect and enhance the nation’s water resources, infrastructure. and the environment.

For media inquiries, contact the Public Affairs Office at 412-395-7500 or email:

Source: dvidshub

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