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Commission to consider Presque Isle Marina work

Posted on June 12, 2019

MARQUETTE — The Marquette City Commission at its Monday meeting will consider a construction contract award for work at the Presque Isle Marina and amending the project budget to include an additional roughly $277,800 to be funded with the bond issued for the project.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in Commission Chambers of city hall, which is located at 300 W. Baraga Ave. in Marquette.

A request for proposals for the project was opened May 31 and the only proposal received was from Associated Contractors LLC in conjunction with Kokosing Industrial-Durocher Marine Division, with a base bid of just over $1.4 million, documents provided to the commission state.

The proposed work includes pier removal, dredging mobilization, installation of a floating pier system, erosion control, restoration, removal of the existing pier fuel system, as well as the installation of riprap and removal of existing bin-type piers at the southern pier, according to city notes.

Alternate bids were also submitted for northern pier removal and dredging, in the additional amounts of around $199,100 and $164,400, respectively, city documents state.

The Presque Isle Marina was constructed in the 1970s as a launching and docking facility for recreational boating and fishing.

However, after decades of use the bin walls have deteriorated, which has led to structural issues with the bin wall system and utility services, officials said perviously.

In March 2017, the city had authorized submitting a Michigan Department of Natural Resources Waterways Grant Program application for the third phase of the Presque Isle dock demolition and floating pier installation. City officials received correspondence late that year from the DNR indicating the project was being recommended to the state for funding.

The agreement, which initially provided 50% of the project’s then estimated $1.1 million cost, was approved by the commission at a September meeting.

The city commission then approved Coleman Engineering Co.’s proposal for design and construction oversight of the dock replacement at the marine in October.

However, at a meeting in late November, the commission amended the 2019 Presque Isle Marina budget to include an additional roughly $40,000 “due to an error in the state legislative process” and approved the grant agreement, committing $581,900 to reconstruct a new floating middle pier, finger piers with utilities and utility pedestals.

Staff recommends approving the proposal from Associated Contractors LLC for the base bid only in the not-to-exceed amount of around $1.4 million, amending the Presque Isle Marina budget to include another $277,800 to be funded with the bond issue for the project and authorizing the city attorney to draft the contract.

The commission will also consider an assignment of interests for Founders Landing Parcel 2, a local development agreement with Marquette Opportunity, a proclamation to declare this month as Pride Month as requested by the group U.P. Rainbow Pride, and a professional services contract award for Williams Park athletic courts and Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, accessibility project.

Cecilia Brown can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 248. Her email address is


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