Posted on December 9, 2015
The public comment period for a study on Cheltenham flood mitigation has been extended until Jan. 22.
The draft report by the Army Corps of Engineers recommends building six dry detention basins in Cheltenham and three in Abington to reduce the amount of downstream water flows around Tookany Creek and its tributaries.
Before the $9.2 million project could begin, the Army Corps has to incorporate all of the public response and issue a final report. Then the township commissioners have to vote on whether to adopt the plan and how to pay for it.
The plan would cost $9.2 million, and about 65 percent of that would come from the federal government.
The plan is posted online at http://cheltenhamtownship.org/newsView.aspx?nid=2554, or can be viewed at the Township Administration Building, 8230 Old York Rd.