Posted on November 9, 2017
The government in Colombia is undertaking a study for the development of terminals across 17 ports, distributed between the country’s Caribbean and Pacific coasts. These are seen as medium-term projects and their establishment would help upgrade existing logistics provision in the country.
The various projects would require private sector investment of approximately $1.5bn.
Three of the projects are already said to have final approval, while conditional agreements have been signed for a further eight. They seek to boost existing capacity at terminals in Colombian ports, bringing it in line with regional rivals while at the same time addressing the needs of local industry.
The government recently noted that it had finalised details of the so-called Conpes directive on port expansion, which had been initiated by the National Council for Economic and Social Policy. This directive aims to both modernise ports and determine investment priorities.
In 2010-2016, Colombia invested $2.3bn in expanding its ports and access channels, the latter overseen by the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), which believes there needs to be a shift towards prioritising port access.
The ANI is also convinced that there needs to be better co-ordination between the various agencies overseeing ports to ensure that they can face up to new realities in the industry.
Source: portstrategy