Posted on April 18, 2017
By Devin Turk, nbc-2
Collier County leaders are considering spending tens of millions of dollars on widening Naples beaches.
Commissioners are considering way to protect the coastlines from the impacts of storm surge and sea level rise. They said widening the beaches may be the best way to prepare.
“Picture…higher dunes and a longer, bigger beach,” said Commissioner Penny Taylor. “Kind of like a Marco Island beach.”
The proposed plan would widen beaches by 50 feet, add breakwaters, raise the height of dunes, and add coarser sand that won’t blow away. This plan would require dredging that comes at a $30 million price tag. A much higher number than what was spent for last fall’s renurishment – $3.9 million. The biggest money difference is that dredging could last six years whereas trucking sand only lasts two.
“Trucking is to fill in the spots, it’s not building up our beaches this is a whole different thing,” Taylor said.
The money would come from the tourist development tax.
Source: nbc-2