Posted on December 6, 2016
By Amanda C. Thompson, Wicked Local Cohasset
Dredging has resumed in Cohasset Harbor and is on track for completion by Jan. 31, as planned, according to Harbormaster Lorri Gibbons.
“They’re coming along nicely,” Gibbons reported this week. “Right now they’re working on finishing up the channel.”
Gibbons said the crews are working 12 hours a day with a mechanical dredge, crane and bucket. Material that is being removed is transported via scow to a near-shore disposal site off Green Harbor in Marshfield.
That progress comes despite an issue with holes in some of the equipment early in the work cycle, which Town Manager Chris Senior reported to the Board of Selectmen on Nov. 22.
Senior said the equipment had been replaced and the project had begun as of that date. A local contractor is performing the dredging, and the Army Corps of Engineers is keeping a close eye on the project to avoid another disaster.
Dredging was supposed to be completed last winter, but after two deadline extensions, the project still had not been finished. Additionally, several moorings were damaged or destroyed, and local subcontractors who worked on the project were not being paid.
The Army Corps arranged for emergency dredging of the channel in late spring so that the commercial fleet could carry on with business as usual, and has now returned to finish the job.
Source: Wicked Local Cohasset