Posted on June 24, 2020
In partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the city of Duluth will host a virtual public information meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday on the proposed Park Point beach nourishment project.
The Detroit district of the Corps plans to dredge the Duluth-Superior federal navigational channel and place about 50,000 cubic yards of that dredge material on a portion of Minnesota Point, which has faced erosion due high water and storms.
The dredge material will be placed on the beach from the ship canal to approximately 12th Street South between Aug. 1 and Sept. 30, according to a news release from the city.
The benefits of the dredge placement on the beach include short-term erosion control to protect structures, trees and vegetation, including beach grass which the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources list as a threatened species, the news release said.
The meeting will include presentations and a time for questions and answers.
Attendees can join the meeting by calling in or using WebEx. The call-in number is 888-363-4734 with an access code of 7727569# and a security code of 1234#. To join the meeting using WebEx, go to usace.webex.com/meet/melissa.d.bosman and enter your name and email address. The meeting number is 146 398 7383 and the meeting password is 1234.
Source: duluthnewstribune