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China’s maritime ambitions

Posted on July 2, 2020

House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Non-Proliferation

Chairman Bera, Ranking Member Yoho, members of the subcommittee: thank you for the opportunity to share my views on China’s maritime ambitions.

China wants to become a ‘maritime great power,’ a term Chinese President Xi Jinping uses as part of his national revitalization rhetoric. To this end, China is building a blue-water navy that can control its near seas, fight and win regional wars, and protect its vital sea lanes and its many political and economic interests beyond East Asia. But whether in the near or far seas, China’s ambitions engage U.S. interests.

Therefore, in this testimony, I will focus on China’s approach to the near seas—the South China Sea (SCS) and the East China Sea (ECS) —and touch upon its intentions in the Indian Ocean. But first, I would like to lay out a few thoughts about how to conceptualize ambition more generally. This may seem academic, but I believe a rigorous framework is crucial for understanding the nuances of China’s ambitions and devising effective U.S. strategic responses.

Read the full testimony here.


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