Posted on November 17, 2020
BOSTON — More than $800,000 in state and federal grants have been made available to further efforts to restore the Childs River, the Baker-Polito administration has announced.
The funding will help remove aging dams, rejuvenate historical wetlands on retired cranberry bogs, replace undersized and failing culverts, restore stream flow and flood-plain habitat and revitalize urban rivers, according to a statement from the administration.
The Falmouth Rod and Gun Club and the town of Falmouth, which are working together to restore parts of the river, received $819,000 in federal funds.
The project will involve restoring coastal freshwater wetlands and streams to reconnect the headwaters of the Childs River to Waquoit Bay and Vineyard Sound.
Once complete, the project will restore 26 acres and transform former cranberry bogs into habitats for different species.
State Rep. David Vieira, R-Falmouth, said in the statement that he grew up going to the Falmouth Rod and Gun Club and helped clear the wildlife habitat plots across the river. The habitat was named after his grandfather, Charles Eastman II.
“I know he would be excited to see that his vision of habitat management has been carried forward to this river restoration project,” he said.
Source: capecodtimes