GERS and WICO are undertaking a multi million dollar Havensight Mall enhancement project. It includes a very impressive stone gate entrance and huge marquee Havensight sign in gold, blue bit stone walls and a black cast iron gates throughout the property for security and to direct the flow of traffic, enhanced landscaping, painting of all… Read More
A group of residents from a northern Indianapolis suburb are threatening legal action against the city if it moves forward with its plans for a flood wall along a canal, a plan they say could subject their homes to serious flood damage. Four residents from the town of Rocky Ripple hand delivered a tort claim… Read More
The Kankakee River Roundtable, reactivated Thursday after 18 idle months, has launched a campaign to pressure the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to investigate ways to curb the long-standing sand and sediment problems in the river in Illinois and Indiana. Roundtable chairman Tim Nugent is encouraging organizations in the river basin to write to federal… Read More
North Korea is building up islands in the Yellow Sea and may be preparing them for installation of military hardware, analysts have claimed. A string of islands near the Sohae satellite launching station, north-west of Pyongyang, have been beefed up with buildings, extra concrete areas and wide roads over a period of several years, according… Read More
The National Marine Manufacturers Association released details about the ways a bill funding the federal government through fiscal 2017 will affect the marine industry. Last week President Donald Trump signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 (H.R. 244) after the House and Senate passed it. The measure is a $1.163 trillion spending bill that will… Read More
AN abrupt about turn by Frankston councillors withdrawing support for a container port at Hastings has plunged council into troubled waters. The Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Shire councils previously officially supported the establishment of a port at Hastings by a state government potentially decades from now. A second container port to service the Melbourne area… Read More
This year Ukrainian seaports authorities (USPA) will start reconstruction of the hydraulic engineering part of berths #3 – #4 in Mariupol seaport, reports UkrAgroConsult. The modernization of both berths in the port of Mariupol provides a projected depth of 9.75 m. Reconstruction of hydraulic engineering part of berth ? 3 is planned to have a… Read More
The Ohio EPA has won another court ruling in a long-running dispute over dredging Cleveland’s harbor. A federal judge says the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must pay the past costs of dumping sediment from the Cuyahoga River into contaminant areas along Lake Erie. The Corps and the EPA have been fighting about where the… Read More
The Port of Coos Bay has stepped up its public outreach efforts in recent weeks to promote its proposed $400 million channel modification project. “This city, this bay was built on shipping. It’s a valuable resource,” Mike Dunning, port director of maritime operations, told Coos Bay city councilors Tuesday. “One of the important numbers to… Read More
The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) – the recognized and unified voice of America’s seaports – is applauding Congress for approving the 2017 Omnibus Appropriations Bill, which will maintain or increase funding for several programs in a variety of federal agencies that help America’s seaports deliver economic prosperity, create U.S. jobs and benefit local… Read More
Dive Brief: – Newark Bay’s Bayonne Bridge will be raised from 151 feet to 215 feet six months ahead of schedule, a counterpoint to the $2.1 billion dredging project at the Port of New York and New Jersey, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. – The raised bridge will allow the Port to begin accepting… Read More
The Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport (DMAT) in Abu Dhabi has issued a notice directing all dredging and reclamation companies to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for dredging and reclamation works in Abu Dhabi waters. The notice stipulated that the companies must obtain the NOC prior to the commencement of the work as… Read More
ABS, the leading provider of classification and technical services to the offshore industry, is working with industry to improve efficiencies in offshore development. “ABS is working on multiple fronts to help the offshore industry find efficiencies and streamline operations,” says ABS Executive Vice President for Global Offshore Ken Richardson. “We are coordinating efforts for standardization… Read More
In a surprising turn in the Cuyahoga River dredging saga, the US Army Corps of Engineers collaborated with the Ohio EPA last week to sample sediment on the Cuyahoga River. The two sides have been arguing over the dredged material for years. Together, the Army Corps and the Ohio EPA decided on the location and… Read More
The government has moved to modernise and strengthen the south-western Mongla port to handle the increased load of cargoes it has to face once transit goods and Rampal power plant’s raw materials are unloaded there, officials said. The step has been taken following an instruction of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) to make the port… Read More