Gambia Ports Authority Managing Director Abdoulie Tambedou has disclosed that the nation’s port is attracting varied interests from lucrative international quarters such as Chinese and Bolloré firms. Speaking in an interview, MD Abdoulie Tambedou said the Chinese company is interested in partnering with the GPA to improve the ports infrastructure, as well as to implement… Read More
Government agencies connected to the Port City project met for the fourth review meeting and site visit, a press statement said today. The Department of Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource Management was the leading agency coordinating the review process. The Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development, Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development, Ministry of… Read More
The Port of Coos Bay has the task of maintaining the largest deep water channel between San Francisco and Seattle and all the additional transportation infrastructure that goes along with it. In the coming years, the Port will focus its efforts on rehabilitatiing the Coos Bay rail line tunnel, replacing the Vaughn Viaduct Bridge and… Read More
Unlike many cities, the French capital has made good on its promise to re-open urban waterways to bathers. How did they do it? We’ve all heard promises from cities to make their once-fetid urban waterways swimmable—probably too many. Boston has been pledging to extend the Charles River’s swimmable days for years now, while Berlin’s beautiful… Read More
The Charleston Harbor deepening project is officially ready to begin construction. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District and the S.C. State Ports Authority signed a project partnership agreement Wednesday. The document is a legally binding agreement between the federal government and a non-federal sponsor of a water resources project, and it kicks off… Read More
The 55 years it might take before Hudson River fish are safe for human consumption isn’t good enough for state, local and federal officials, who say General Electric Company’s PCB cleanup project isn’t done. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which oversaw the court-ordered work, says dredging that ended in 2015, plus natural remediation, will eventually… Read More
The European Commission’s formal adoption of the General Block Exemption Regulations (GBER) guidance on state aid has stirred up reaction in the ports sector – not only because it has increased the highest possible state aid threshold to E150m, but also because the GEBR now effectively exempts most subsidised dredging activity – including both capital… Read More
Maneuvering smoothly across the water, the Amphibex dredger resembles a vehicle from a Star Wars movie with its stilt-like spuds and front excavator arm. But once in position and production dredging, the powerful machine’s efficiency and value are apparent. Back in 1987 it was easy to dredge from the shoreline or from a platform in… Read More
The South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) set a new annual record for moving containers this year … but will it be enough to keep up with the competition? According to a release from the agency, SCPA terminals moved 2.14 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) during the fiscal year that ended on June 30 – up… Read More
Last week marked the beginning of the residency of a new quasi-public state entity, the Connecticut Port Authority (CPA), in Old Saybrook. Nomadic since it was created in 2014, with monthly board meetings set in port and harbor towns throughout Connecticut,the CPA announced at its Old Saybrook Town Hall meeting last week that Old Saybrook… Read More
The city is planning to dive deeper into analyzing the condition of the federally owned Owen Sound harbour as it continues port divestiture talks with Transport Canada. City manager Wayne Ritchie said the federal agency has agreed to cover the costs for the city to obtain a more detailed examination of the harbour by environmental… Read More
What if we built an $86 million Port of Entry, only to let it flood during the next rainy season? Columbus Mayor Phillip Skinner thinks such fears may be exaggerated. “The whole port is elevated several feet,” he told the Headlight. However, the New Mexico Border Authority has been at work on a $10 million… Read More
Members of Florida’s Congressional Delegation say plans to deepen the Harbor at Port Panama City are “shovel ready”, but they say the Army Corp of Engineers in not funding the project. A deeper port can accommodate larger ships and that means more money and jobs. Senator Bill Nelson and Representative Neal Dunn are supporting the… Read More
A year ago, Gov. Larry Hogan put out a call for private industry to suggest how Maryland should address the pollution that was quickly piling up behind the Conowingo Dam — a staggeringly expensive problem that many policymakers thought could wait. For nearly a century, the dam had stopped silt and polluting muck in the… Read More
Across the state of Iowa, crops are flourishing in the rich Midwestern soil, to be harvested throughout the summer and the fall. After the harvest, millions of pounds of corn, soy, wheat and other important commodities will be put onto barges and floated down the Mississippi River. Once they arrive in Louisiana, they will fill… Read More