Lack of navigability in the Jamuna River has forced the northbound goods laden cargo vessels from Chittagong and Mongla sea ports to anchor in the Padma River at Daulatida, Manikganj. The confluence of the Jamuna and Padma is about 1km north of Daulatdia. Large cargo vessels that carry goods, mostly fertilizers, to northern districts from… Read More
The Puducherry port, operational after a gap of 12 years, conducted the trial of loading and unloading operations on Saturday evening. The Puducherry port became defunct after slush accumulated in the estuary and after a MoU with Madras port Trust for loading and unloading of cargoes, dredging operations were conducted. A barge with 21 containers… Read More
The state of Ohio and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have settled a lawsuit filed over the dredging of the Cleveland Harbor and Cuyahoga River shipping channel in 2016. The settlement requires Army Corps to bear the cost of placing the sludge from the bottom of the river into containment dikes in 2016 and… Read More
There is plenty of fresh water in both Lake Marion and Lake Moultrie. The only challenge is getting enough out to quench the demand from a growing number of businesses and residents. While the U.S Army Corps of Engineers’ Charleston District is designing and constructing the pipelines that will carry much-needed water throughout the Lowcountry,… Read More
Environmentalists are returning to court in an attempt to overturn a decision to allow unauthorised sand dredging in Lough Neagh. In November the permanent secretary of the Department for Infrastructure decided it could continue. He had been ordered to review the practice after Friends of the Earth won a case challenging the practice. The lough… Read More
Swinomish Channel dredging and a new partnership between ports to draw in tourists and businesses were topics discussed at an annual joint meeting between the Port of Skagit and Port of Anacortes last week. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has proposed $1.53 million for dredging of the Swinomish Channel, but the ports won’t have… Read More
Lawmakers from the Virginia House of Representatives have proposed to set aside $350 million in cash and bonds in the state budget for dredging projects at the Port of Norfolk. The Virginia House of Delegates Committee on Appropriations and Senate Finance Committee recently released their respective two-year state budget proposals, both of which contain provisions… Read More
Officials from a half-dozen Texas ports, including Houston and Freeport, on Wednesday outlined their plans for deepening channels, making repairs from Hurricane Harvey and bolstering road and rail improvements planned as ship volumes are expected to rise up and down the state’s Gulf Coast. Though supportive of the projects, members of the Texas Senate Transportation… Read More is proud to announce it has completed its first BPA Worldwide audit of its distribution. Our goal in obtaining this audit is to ensure DredgeWire is a trusted marketing platform for all advertisers looking promote their products and services to the dredging sector. The audit performed by BPA on our e-newsletter verifies that our… Read More
Yilport Holding has revised its growth strategy for the next three years in order to rise among the top 10 international container terminal operators by 2025. The port management and logistics subsidiary of Yildirim Group is in negotiations to acquire several small and medium sized ports and container terminals in Europe, Latin America, and North… Read More
When Yale economist Joseph Shapiro was a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology about a decade ago, he attempted a cost-benefit analysis of the 1972 Clean Water Act — the federal law governing water quality in the country’s rivers, lakes, and streams. The law was a ripe topic for economic analysis. Since its… Read More
What will the Los Angeles River look like in 10 or 20 years? There are dozens of visions that offer possible answers: there are large-scale planning documents like the County’s “Los Angeles River Master Plan” or the City’s “Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan” and more focused ones like the Department of Water and Power’s… Read More
For the last decade, the city has focused on land transport in an aim to tackle traffic congestion, especially at the entrances to the city and its ports. A number of projects to expand road networks were completed, but did not ease traffic congestion, especially at the northwest gateway and the entry to Cat Lai… Read More
The Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), the nodal body in the country responsible for development of water transportation, including National Waterways, received extra financial support when the Lok Sabha passed an amendment to Central Road Fund Act, 2000 during the winter session of the Parliament. The amendment proposes to allocate 2.5 percent of the… Read More
Port of Catoosa Executives say jobs, tonnage and optimism are all on the upswing at the Port. Chip McElroy, chairman of the City of Tulsa-Rogers County Port Authority, told the story of the Port—the historical milestones that led to the successes of the past year in the State of the Port address Thursday morning. It’s… Read More