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Marinex Construction Lands $22.8 million Maintenance Dredge Project in Savannah, Ga.

GA, United States

Marinex Construction Inc., Charleston, South Carolina, was awarded a $22,826,500 firm-fixed-price contract for maintenance dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with two received. Work will be performed in Savannah, Georgia, with an estimated completion date of July 11, 2025. Fiscal 2024 civil construction funds in the amount of $22,826,500 were obligated at the time… Read More

Worcester Commissioners Advance West Ocean City Dredging Project

MD, United States

A local company’s request to dredge an area of the West Ocean City harbor channel has received support from the Worcester County Commissioners. By Bethany Hooper, Associate Editor A local company’s request to dredge an area of the West Ocean City harbor channel received the support of the Worcester County Commissioners last week. The Worcester County… Read More

EPA Seeks More Data on Hudson River PCB Cleanup

NY, United States

ALBANY — As it has in prior years, the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday said it needs more information before it can determine if the Hudson River has been thoroughly cleansed of the PCB pollution that General Electric dumped in the waterway in decades past, which prompted an extensive dredging operation that ran from 2015… Read More

Sand replenishment begins at Doheny State Beach and Capistrano Beach Park

CA, United States

Why it matters: The beaches have become mostly rocks and pebbles following coastal erosion as a result of heavy storms, larger surf, and development along the coastline. When can we go to the beach again: The beaches will remain open while replenishment efforts are underway, but some access will be restricted by the presence of heavy equipment…. Read More

USDA-NRCS Investing in Wetlands Restoration

United States

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced last month it will be investing up to $50 million in fiscal year 2024 through the Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnership (WREP). WREP allows eligible conservation partners to work with local agriculture producers to protect, restore and enhance high-priority wetlands on agricultural lands. Until August 16, 2024, NRCS will accept proposals for… Read More

Sand is pumped on Flagler Beach as part of beach renourishment project

FL, United States

Crews head north as they worked south of South 28th Street, Sunday, July 7, 2024, as part of the Flagler Beach renourishment project.  Source

Sampling and dredging in I & J Waterway begins this summer

WA, United States

Starting in July, you may see workers, vehicles, sampling equipment, dredging machinery, construction materials, cranes, boats and barges along the shoreline and in the water at the I & J Waterway contaminated sediment site on the Bellingham waterfront. One portion of the site is entering the cleanup phase, with construction crews dredging contaminated sediment. Another portion is… Read More

Partial closure at Manistee Riverwalk due to stability issues from dredging

MI, United States

MANISTEE — The Manistee Riverwalk has been closed between Tamarack Street and Cherry Street due to safety concerns stemming from destabilization caused by dredging in the Manistee River Channel. The dredging has impacted parts of the Riverwalk’s structural stability, leading city officials to shut down the affected area for public safety. City manager Bill Gambill explained… Read More

One year after LSU lakes project started, there is still work to be done

LA, United States

BATON ROUGE – Heavy machinery has been digging out dirt and sediment from the University Lake System for months. Now a year into the project, two lakes are nearing completion and it’s time to move the barges into University Lake. It’s a project that’s drawn some criticism and continues to as the project takes shape. LSU Foundation President… Read More

Louisiana’s top coastal official Gordon Dove wants to ‘rock the coast’ from Mississippi to Texas

LA, United States

On a random morning in Grand Isle, charter boat captain Mike Guidry watches the surf pound against a series of segmented rocks that guard camps near the beach. “People always associate hurricanes with destruction,” said Guidry as he surveyed the rocks from his boat. “Well, we have stronger cold fronts.” Guidry credits the rocks, which… Read More

Understanding Dredging: Digging out rivers to make them deeper might sound like a logical way to protect property from flooding. But is it really a solution?

World ,

Since the July 2023 floods devastated large swathes of the state, including cities in the Winooski River watershed such as Montpelier, many Vermonters have been calling for river dredging. Digging sediment and debris out of riverbeds and deepening the channel, they argue, will prevent rivers from overtopping their banks and saturating homes and businesses during… Read More

Millions without power in sweltering heat as Texas begins cleaning up in Hurricane Beryl’s wake

TX, United States

Hurricane Beryl roared ashore near the Texas city of Matagorda as a powerful Category 1 hurricane early Monday morning and pummeled the region with wind gusts higher than 90 mph, a life-threatening storm surge and torrential rain. HOUSTON – The ferocious winds have died down, and the floodwaters have started to recede in East Texas two days after historic Hurricane Beryl made landfall. However,… Read More

Coast Guard begins reopening ports and waterways following Hurricane Beryl

TX, United States

HOUSTON — Following waterway assessments and coordination with federal, state, and local partners, the Captain of the Port (COTP) Houston-Galveston has set Port Condition Recovery, Tuesday, for the ports of Houston, Texas City, Galveston, and Freeport, and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway from the Colorado Locks east to High Island Bridge. Specific navigation conditions are summarized… Read More

Town of Ft. Myers Beach Starts 950,000 cu.yd. Dredge Nourishment Project

FL, United States

FORT MYERS BEACH, Fla. — The town of Fort Myers Beach announced a major project has begun along its shores. The Estero Island Beach Nourishment and Hurricane Recovery Project began on Monday and will dredge approximately 950,000 cubic yards of sand onto Fort Myers Beach. According to the town’s news release, the sand is coming from… Read More

Long-Anticipated Dredging Begins At Wailoa Small Boat Harbor

HI, United States

(HILO, HAWAI‘I) – A $3.1 million dredging operation at the Wailoa Small Boat Harbor started yesterday and is expected to be complete by the end of the year, if not sooner. Depending on the location, sediment build up and available funding, the DLNR Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) attempts to conduct dredging operations… Read More

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