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Two big takeaways from the NHC’s Hurricane Ian report

FL, United States

The National Hurricane Center released its comprehensive final report on Hurricane Ian this morning. The 72-page document offers a tremendous amount of information from Ian’s origins as a tropical wave off of Africa to its rapid intensification over the Gulf of Mexico, onslaught on Florida, and then eventual dissipation over the eastern United States. Source

Dune Restoration Will Extend from Beverly Beach to Varn Park Over Next 10 Weeks

FL, United States

Dune restoration work for the next 10 weeks – weather permitting – will extend from Beverly Beach to Varn Park as part of Flagler County’s ongoing emergency sand operations. “The contractor is staging operations from Varn Park, but the work they will be conducting will start at the southern project end and progress north,” said… Read More

Santa Cruz is the only U.S. small-craft harbor with its own dredge (built by DSC) and it was a savior during winter storms

CA, United States

In the span of just one day of stormy weather in January, so much sediment had clogged the entrance to the Santa Cruz Harbor that you could walk across the channel. Since the harbor is directly down the coast from the San Lorenzo River, all of the debris and sand from the channel flows right… Read More

CPRA board approves final version of 50-year, $50B plan to protect Louisiana’s eroding coastline

LA, United States

The state coastal board on Wednesday unanimously approved the latest iteration of Louisiana’s 50-year, $50 billion plan to combat land loss and protect coastal communities from hurricanes. The final 2023 Coastal Master Plan would mark the fourth version of the strategic, science-based road map for investing in a mix of coastal restoration projects like dredging and pumping… Read More

New Jersey beach is in need of repairs this summer

NJ, United States

The waves are why so many go down to the Jersey Shore, but it’s also the waves that eat away at the shore. Parts of Ortley Beach in Toms River have visibly been eaten away, not leaving room to spread out that blanket and beach chair this summer. “The ocean wants to take back what I… Read More

Bay Area Dutch Slough tidal restoration project creates powerful carbon sink, combats climate change

CA, United States

When we first visited Dutch Slough in eastern Contra Costa County last year, the recently restored tidal marsh was already flourishing. But hiding among the reeds was a critical question. How effective would the marsh be at sequestering carbon? A key benefit of restoring wetlands in the age of climate change. “For doing the inhaling and… Read More

Carteret County eyes future dredging of Ophelia Inlet through Core Banks

NC, United States

Carteret County commissioners Monday night approved a contract with Charlotte-based HDR Engineering of the Carolinas for an engineering study of dredging Ophelia Inlet from Core Sound to the Atlantic Ocean. The action was part of the consent agenda – a list of items that can be approved with one vote – during the commission’s regular… Read More

Dutra’s DB-24 dredging at the West Harbor Marina in San Francisco

CA, United States

Dutra’s DB-24 dredging at the West Harbor Marina in San Francisco. This was a 5-day job deepening and widening the approach channel of the marina. Dutra used the KS-10 and DS-5 scows and disposed of the sand at the Montezuma Wetland Restoration Project (MWRP). Dutra dug to 12ft and removed a total of 9,000 CY… Read More

Comment deadline May 15 on dredging by Cape Lookout

NC, United States

The public can submit comments until mid-May on the draft environmental assessment for proposed dredge work in waters by Cape Lookout Lighthouse in Carteret County. The project includes dredging the Army Corps of Engineers and National Park Service federal navigation channels from Back Sound to Cape Lookout Bight, and placing the dredged material on a… Read More

Myrtle Beach replacing dune fences damaged by Ian ahead of renourishment project

SC, United States

Starting next week, South Carolina’s top tourist destination will take steps to address its damaged sand dunes and protect its oceanfront properties ahead of this year’s hurricane season. Myrtle Beach will start replacing sand fencing along its seven miles of beaches to help rebuild its sand dunes which were damaged by Hurricane Ian last fall…. Read More

CPRA Board Approves 2023 Coastal Master Plan and FY 2024 Annual Plan

LA, United States

Today, the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Board (CPRA) voted unanimously to approve the 2023 Coastal Master Plan and the Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Plan. The Coastal Master Plan is a living document that is required by statute to be updated every six years. The plan incorporates the best available scientific and engineering data… Read More

US Supreme Court Approves Dredge Disposal Site in Long Island Sound

NY, United States

The U.S. Supreme Court has eliminated a challenge to billions of dollars of Connecticut military and commercial shipping interests by clearing the way for a new disposal site in eastern Long Island Sound for potentially hazardous materials dredged  from state harbors to maintain them for navigation. The court’s decision not to hear yet another appeal from New York puts… Read More

Weeks Marine begins Beach Renourishment of Rehoboth, Fenwick portion could last into July

DE, United States

Construction equipment is covering parts of Rehoboth Beach, the first part of a four-month project to bring more sand on to Delaware’s beaches. The US Army Corps of Engineers began work on Monday to restore 290,000 cubic yards of beach between Rehoboth and Dewey in the first of 3 phases of a project expected to… Read More

Kankakee County to survey local waterways

IL, United States

As part of its ongoing effort to address the sand and sediment buildup in the Kankakee River, the Kankakee County Board approved a hydrographic/bathymetric survey of waterways in the county. On the recommendation of the Planning, Zoning and Agriculture Committee, the board unanimously approved at its regular meeting on Tuesday the selection of Prairie Engineers… Read More

5 years after Kīlauea eruption created new beach, Pohoiki boat ramp remains landlocked

HI, United States

Tony Sylva has fished out of Pohoiki Bay in Puna on the Big Island since he was a kid. His two daughters, Ku‘uipo and Kulia, have done the same since before they could walk. “Pohoiki was like our second home. We went almost everyday,” Sylva wrote in testimony to the Hawai‘i County Council. “On weekends… Read More

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