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Magnolia Springs wetland restoration plan approved

WI, United States

The Stoughton City Council approved spending $3,500 on a wetland and woodland restoration plan for the Magnolia Springs development at its Tuesday, July 11 meeting. The council also approved naming the park for the development, located roughly between Isham Street Aaker Road, Teigen Farm Park, honoring the long-time landowners. The development contains around 5.5 acres… Read More

State environment officials request removal of sandbags along Great Lakes shorelines

MI, United States

By A.J. Evans The Michigan Department of Great Lakes and Energy has asked shoreline property owners to remove sandbags along shorelines of the Great Lakes. According to a press release from EGLE, the sandbags were authorized “as temporary actions to help property owners along the Great Lakes to prevent erosion impacts to their property and… Read More

Volatility, uncertainty impacting shipping

United States

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, US — As mid-year approaches, volatility and uncertainty are the key characteristics of dry bulk shipping markets. International grain supply chain stakeholders can expect more of the same during the rest of 2023. Geopolitical turmoil continues to cast a dark cloud over shipping (and grain) supply and demand forecasts. Certainly, relations between… Read More

Hawaiʻi Gov. Josh Green enacts laws to protect beaches, shorelines, public land

HI, United States

On Thursday, Hawai’i Gov. Josh Green signed three bills into law at a signing ceremony at the Makapu‘u lookout in Waimānalo, along with 14 bills signed earlier that support the protection of Hawaiʻi’s beaches, shorelines and public lands. “Hawaiʻi is known worldwide for its pristine coastline and beaches, clean air, and blue skies,” Green said…. Read More

Isla Blanca Park Beach Renourishment Project underway

TX, United States

The Isla Blanca Park Beach Renourishment Project is underway and is expected to begin on Friday, July 7, 2023. This project is in partnership with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Texas General Land Office, and the City of South Padre Island. Currently, the City of South Padre Island is completing their… Read More

How Desert Dust Nourishes The Growth Of Phytoplankton In Earth’s Oceans

World ,

For the past few decades, scientists have been observing natural ocean fertilization events — episodes when plumes of volcanic ash, glacial flour, wildfire soot, and desert dust blow out onto the sea surface and spur massive blooms of phytoplankton. But beyond these extreme events, there is a steady, long-distance rain of dust particles onto the… Read More

Biden-Harris Administration announces $60 million to create a climate resilience accelerator program and support small businesses through Investing in America agenda

United States

Today, the Department of Commerce and NOAA are launching the Ocean-Based Climate Resilience Accelerators program, a $60 million investment in coastal resilience and American small businesses through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda. The program, funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, will foster public-private partnerships to help support small businesses that are developing sustainable technologies geared toward… Read More

U.S. Army Corps resumes Grand Haven dredging with additional E.coli testing

MI, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District (USACE) will resume dredging in Grand Haven Harbor on Wednesday, July 12, with additional testing for E. Coli and safety measures. King Co. Inc., of Holland, under an Army Corps contract, will dredge the remaining 35,000 of 141,000 cubic yards of sediment contracted to be removed from… Read More

$12 million in NJ fines not stopping North Wildwood from beach work

NJ, United States

Not even $12 million worth of fines is enough to stop a Jersey Shore town from bulldozing sand on its beach to bolster eroded spots in defiance of state environmental officials. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection says North Wildwood once again carried out unauthorized repairs to its eroding dunes, most recently on June… Read More

Canal-dredging project looks promising

DE, United States

A long-awaited channel-dredging project in Fenwick Island may be inching closer to reality. At a town Dredge Committee meeting on Wednesday, June 28, Committee Chairman William Rymer said that, although the committee has not met as a whole since January, there has been much discussion behind the scenes regarding a possible site for dredge spoils…. Read More

Shipbuilding and Offshore Rig Fabrication and Repair Market 2023

World ,

The 2023 report on the “Shipbuilding and Offshore Rig Fabrication and Repair Market” stands as a definitive and meticulous analysis, encompassing a wide range of factors affecting business growth opportunities, challenges, risk factors, and emerging trends across diverse geographical regions. This comprehensive report offers up-to-date and precise information on the latest technological advancements, accompanied by SWOT and PESTLE analysis, and invaluable… Read More

Beach building: Dredged sand used to repair erosion with Weeks Marine

TX, United States

With the city of South Padre Island wrapping up a beach “renourishment” project involving around 283,000 cubic yards of new, beach-quality sand distributed between Access 18-23, Cameron County is kicking off a sand replenishment project of its own. The county was expecting to begin spreading roughly 94,000 cubic yards of new sand at Isla Blanca… Read More

Remediation of Grand Calumet River moves forward with completion of Lake George Canal project

IN, United States

EAST CHICAGO — An egret landed on the orange oil-containment booms that snake along the shore of the Lake George Canal. “That’s an early sign that wildlife is starting to come back,” Jason Zylka said, pointing to the elegant white bird. “If they are already using the area now, I can’t wait to see it in… Read More

City of Deerfield Beach Makes Improvements At The Beach

FL, United States

We’re thrilled to announce a series of spectacular improvements to the Island  that will elevate your experience! From our completed beach nourishment project to turtle-friendly bollards, new lifeguard towers that have begun construction, and a modernized bus stop – not to mention a unique art installation that replaced the old railing in front of the main… Read More

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