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Ophelia’s remnants continue to damage N.J. and Del. beaches with flooding and erosion

NJ, United States

Coastal flood warnings are in effect along the Jersey Shore Tuesday afternoon and into the evening due to remnants of Tropical Storm Ophelia. Ophelia’s high winds and waves caused severe beach erosion along parts of the Delaware and New Jersey coastlines, including in the northern end of Atlantic City. Atlantic City’s emergency management coordinator and… Read More

Lewes Beaches Weather Erosion and Flooding

DE, United States

Tropical Storm Ophelia has come and gone, but many Coastal Beaches are still bracing for high tides, and minor to moderate coastal flooding, tonight. But the wake of the weekend’s storms have already left heavy erosion — and sand spreading, around Lewes Beaches. The City of Lewes tells WBOC they are already working to restore… Read More

Dredging at the NOAA docks

OR, United States

Port of Newport staff say 5,000 cubic yards of material were dredged from Friday, Sept. 15, to Monday, Sept. 18, and work on four of the six remaining berths has yet to begin. The tall dredge can be seen from around the harbor, secured next to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations’ docks. According to… Read More

Moves are being made to revitalize and clean up Lake Wichita

TX, United States

A local environmentalist believes they know a way to help with cleaning up Lake Wichita, a long-time goal for some in the Falls. Jason Newman, owner of Newman Environmental said they believe a technology called “nano-bubbles” that put more oxygen into the water is the solution. “All this algae growth is consuming the oxygen the… Read More

Manatee County leaders seek federal help with Anna Maria Island beach erosion problem after Idalia

FL, United States

As frequent storms – and most recently Hurricane Idalia – impact coastal areas in Florida, county leaders in the Tampa Bay area are asking the federal government for help in restoration projects. On Anna Maria Island, county officials said there has been an alarming loss of sand all around the island and they have even… Read More

County to mull dredge ownership question; Ellicott 670 Model dredge bought with funds from American Rescue Plan

ME, United States

Last fall York County Commissioners approved the purchase of a dredge, designed to help combat coastal erosion, nourish beaches with sand, and help keep waters navigable. Now, with the formation of the Southern Maine Dredge Authority, the county has been asked to decide the ownership. The county had been awarded $40 million in American Rescue… Read More

VIDEO – Anna Maria Island’s ongoing beach renourishment

FL, United States

Manatee County leaders are now reaching out to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for help.  Source

As storms brew in the tropics, Wrightsville Beach nervously waits for its beach nourishment

NC, United States

A contract has been signed, and a winter window for the work has been set. Now all Wrightsville Beach has to do is wait, with fingers crossed, that its beach can hold out for a few more months before it gets a fresh injection of sand. The New Hanover County beach town has been waiting… Read More

The secret dispute behind cleaning up Seattle’s only river

WA, United States

In its early days as a major aircraft manufacturer, Boeing was remarkably open about toxic chemicals flowing from its factory into the neighboring Duwamish, Seattle’s only river and a longtime source of food, tradition and culture for Indigenous people. In fact, the company described the Duwamish River as “a natural collector for Boeing’s fluid wastes” in a 1950 magazine article Boeing produced for its… Read More

Dredging Ross Lake on improvement list if grant is approved

MI, United States

The City of Beaverton hopes to soon hear back from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery about financing for many projects. Beaverton Mayor Ray Nau said some of the projects need matching grants. The city has secured $1.5 million for Ross Lake improvements but now seeks a $1.5 million match. This… Read More

Inland Dredging Wins $10.4 Million Brownsville, Tx Dredging Project

TX, United States

Inland Dredging Co. LLC, Dyersburg, Texas, was awarded a $10,433,550 firm-fixed-price contract for channel pipeline dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with four received. Work will be performed in Brownsville, Texas, with an estimated completion date of June 19, 2024. Fiscal 2023 operation and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $10,433,550 were obligated… Read More

Norfolk Dredging Lands $21.5 million USACE Dredge project for Charleston, SC

VA, United States

Norfolk Dredging Co., Chesapeake, Virginia, was awarded a $21,534,600 firm-fixed-price contract for maintenance dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with five received. Work will be performed in Charleston, South Carolina, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 9, 2024. Fiscal 2023 civil operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $21,534,600 were obligated at… Read More

Recognizing Coastlines As Dynamic, Shifting Environments Rather Than Targets For Control And Management

World ,

Coastlines – the interface between land and sea – lie at the frontline in the battle against climate change impacts. Globally, almost 1 billion people now live within 10km of a coastline and the same number live in areas less than 10 metres above sea level. These populations face some of the world’s biggest climate… Read More

Old Florida growth rules thwarted development that would have made Idalia worse

FL, United States

Last month, when Hurricane Idalia clobbered the sparsely settled coast of Taylor County in Florida’s Big Bend region, it sent my memory spinning back nearly 20 years to the first time I visited that area. I was there to report on what was happening to hundreds of acres of swamp and salt marsh in an… Read More

Staten Island Living Breakwaters project wins international adaptation award

NY, United States

Staten Island’s “Living Breakwaters” project received international acclaim this month as the winner of the 2023 Obel award, which recognizes outstanding architectural contributions in service of both people and the planet. The $107 million resiliency effort, located off the South Shore of Staten Island, spans 2,400 linear feet across eight separate breakwaters. They are designed to blunt… Read More

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