Savannah, Ga. (WTGS FOX 28) — The Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) is getting closer to being finished. Senator David Perdue stopped by the port on Friday to see the progress. He used to sit on the board at the port and said they’ve been trying to get the harbor deepened for 20 years. It… Read More
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a US government agency supporting American companies to make foreign investments, has signed a 50 million-US dollar contract with the aim of building a multi-function marine terminal at the port of Poti, Georgia. According to the agreement, the investment will help Georgia increase its trading capacity and develop its transit… Read More
Good Work Network recognizes Port NOLA procurement team NEW ORLEANS — The Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) received the Equity Ally Award recognizing the Port’s efforts to provide access to new opportunities for women and minority entrepreneurs. Tiffany Carter, Director of Procurement, accepted the award on behalf of Port NOLA at the Good Work… Read More
As the Port of Charleston continues to grow, its economic benefits continue to spread into the surrounding area as companies seek to move their goods in and out of the port. One area likely to be affected is tiny St. George, a Dorchester County community with a population of 2,000, a surprising amount of entertainment… Read More
HARLINGEN — The deeper the muck, the tougher the transit. Barges coming up the Arroyo Colorado are going to have an easier voyage thanks to $2.4 million set aside for dredging at the Port of Harlingen by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The dredge, which looks like a giant crane set atop a squat… Read More
The Maritime Association of the Port of New York and New Jersey held its 26th Annual International Maritime Hall of Fame awards dinner on May 8, 2019 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City. The International Maritime Hall of Fame awards had their beginning in 1993 when the Maritime Association of the Port… Read More
Increased tariffs on U.S. and Chinese goods trade may result in decreased traffic at certain U.S. ports, says Fitch Ratings, but they are not likely to be similarly affected in the medium term. The landlord-based operating model at many of the more exposed west coast ports have contractual minimums that provide a floor for revenue… Read More
Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25) was recognized by The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) as the 2019 “Port Person of the Year.” Diaz-Balart, who has served in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee since 2015, has been a committed supporter of the port industry and has fought to bring millions of dollars to… Read More
While the port’s focus is on containerized cargo, it says handling aggregate could provide a steady, divergent revenue stream. The Port of Oakland is speaking to a shipper of sand and gravel about handling products at its outer harbor terminal. The terminal was formerly leased by a joint venture of Ports America and MSC that… Read More
Curtis Robinhold tells Westside Economic Alliance forum that a united front with other tradung partners, not ‘tariffs and tweets,’ is a better approach to resolve differences with China. The Port of Portland’s executive director says the unresolved U.S. trade dispute with China has created uncertainty for Oregon businesses and farmers in a state highly dependent… Read More
DredgeWire reports on presentation by the Port to the World Trade Center Institute Bowe Fellows in its EDGE Program Natasha Pavlovich of the Port of Baltimore made a special presentation to the 2018/2019 cohort of Bowe Fellows as part of the World Trade Center Institute’s EDGE Program-“Emerging and Developing Global Executives.” ( Out of… Read More
The Port of New York and New Jersey says marine terminals are not only seeing more 13,000-TEU ships, but more importantly, they are handling the stronger discharges — between 2,000 to 3,000 more TEU per call — more efficiently than they were a year ago. Although ships with a capacity of 13,000 TEU or more… Read More
Speakers at meeting urge adoption, but tenants have raised concerns Climate change activists continue to press the Port of Vancouver to adopt a policy prohibiting it from building fossil fuel terminals. A dozen people testified during the open forum section of the port commissioners’ Tuesday meeting and advocated for local action to counter global climate… Read More
Since 2013, container traffic flowing into the Port of Baltimore has increased 51%, according to JLL. BALTIMORE—Distribution networks are targeting the Port of Baltimore as a key fulfillment hub for the Baltimore-Washington super-market and that is having an effect on the surrounding industrial markets, according to a research note by JLL. This has been a… Read More
Three competitors that oversee the loading and off-loading of ships at the Port of Charleston are seeking to form a new company and combine their services, triggering both support and opposition along the local waterfront. Ceres Marine Terminals, Ports America and SSA Atlantic recently filed their “cooperative working agreement” for South Carolina and Georgia with… Read More