There is a lot of activity going on in session this year. It seems more issues are being moved forward earlier in this year’s session than last year. My land conveyance bill from the state to the Heartland Port Authority which is Cole County, Callaway County and Jefferson City, has now passed the House and… Read More
WaterLog February 25 Source:
The Permanent International Association of Navigational Congresses (Pianc) said climate change poses a serious threat that could affect waterborne transport infrastructure. Pianc said climate change represents a significant risk to business, operations, safety and infrastructure that could create impact on local, national and global economies. The waterborne transport infrastructure would be adversely affected, and so,… Read More
The Maryland Port Administration has been awarded $1.5 million from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to help move forward with a project that will enable the Port of Baltimore to handle multiple big ships simultaneously. The money will fund a new study to assess potential navigation improvements, like deepening or widening, for channels serving… Read More
South Carolina set a record for total export sales for the 10th year in a row last year, with the state’s exporters selling $41.5 billion in products to 198 countries over the course of 2019. The sales figure is a 19.7% increase over 2018 and ranks 11th among all states. Texas had the most export… Read More
HAMPTON ROADS, Va. (WAVY) — The Port of Virginia is digging itself into a deep hole — and Sen. Mark Warner is thrilled. The hole is actually dredging, which will make the Port of Virginia the deepest port on the East Coast. “This really is the economic future of the commonwealth,” Warner told He… Read More
Port Houston in Texas, US has selected a lead engineer and designer for part of its project to widen and deepen the Houston ship channel for the next generation in safety, efficiency and larger ships. HDR has signed a contract with the port covering engineering, design, project coordination and other consultation services for two of… Read More
Ports are essential to New Jersey’s economy. That was Wednesday’s message Robert Bouchard, director of the Office of Port Infrastructure Development in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration, highlighted during his keynote at the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey’s Transportation Summit at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Woodbridge in Iselin. Bouchard cited… Read More
The Maryland Port Administration press release: The Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore recorded another record-breaking year in 2019. Figures released this week show new high marks for cargo tonnage passing through the Port’s public and private marine terminals, as well as new benchmarks for containers and the number of cars and light trucks handled…. Read More
WASHINGTON – Congressman Ralph Abraham, M.D., R-Alto, applauded the inclusion of funding for the dredging of Lake Providence Harbor he had previously requested in President Trump’s 2021 budget. “Lake Providence Harbor is Louisiana’s largest inland port in terms of tonnage and among the most important in the nation,” Abrham said. “Every year, around one million… Read More
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Maritime Administration (MARAD) announced last week that it has awarded more than $280 million in discretionary grant funding through the new Port Infrastructure Development Program. This funding is designed to improve port facilities at or near coastal seaports. The Port of Savannah is a major recipient. “Ports are gateways… Read More
American Association of Port Authorities is criticizing President Donald Trump’s fiscal 2021 budget because of what the association says are the cuts to funding for the nation’s ports. “We’re very apprehensive about the president’s fiscal 2021 budget,” said Chris Connor, CEO of the Alexandria, Va.-based organization. “Adequate federal investments into U.S. port-related infrastructure, on the… Read More
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Maritime Administration (MARAD) last week announced that it has awarded more than $280 million in discretionary grant funding through the new Port Infrastructure Development Program. The Port Infrastructure Development Program supports efforts by ports and industry stakeholders to improve facility and freight infrastructure to ensure that national freight transportation… Read More
The S.C. Ports Authority has received a $20 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to help fund infrastructure projects at the Wando Welch Terminal. The Port Infrastructure Development Grant will go toward building a toe wall and deepening three berths at the Wando terminal. The toe wall is a retaining wall comprising steel… Read More
The Coast Guard’s top officer will announce Thursday that Charleston will become one of the largest concentrations of ships and guardsman in the nation, growing the economic footprint of the military in the region. Adm. Karl Schultz is scheduled to detail the news during his annual State of the Coast Guard address at the Port… Read More