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Categories for Offshore Wind Power News

US Identifies 1.7M Acres of Wind Energy Areas in the Central Atlantic

United States

As the next step in the development of the U.S.’s offshore wind energy sector, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced eight draft Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) offshore the U.S. central Atlantic coast. The bureau is seeking public comment on the proposed lease areas as well as continuing additional consultations with a broad range… Read More

Vineyard Wind Invests in “Autonomous Lookout” to Protect Whales

United States

The first full-scale offshore wind farm in the United States, Vineyard Wind, is under construction now off the coast of Massachusetts, and its developer is investing in extra measures to prevent whale strikes during construction. It plans to deploy computer vision technology to watch out for whales, vessels, fishing buoys and other objects at long… Read More

Wind Farm Public Hearing Draws Passionate Statements

NJ, United States

Residents of Ocean City overwhelmingly opposed an offshore wind energy farm during a virtual public hearing Monday night that also included strong support for the project from environmental and labor groups. Opponents criticized the proposed Ocean Wind 1 project by the Danish energy company Orsted, saying it will harm environmentally sensitive areas, hurt tourism, threaten… Read More

Offshore wind farms may harm seabirds, but scientists see potential for net positive impact

CA, United States

The development of offshore wind energy is expanding globally, with the potential to be an important source of clean renewable energy. Yet offshore wind farms pose significant risks to seabirds and other marine wildlife. A new study led by scientists at UC Santa Cruz outlines a framework for addressing the impacts of offshore wind farms… Read More

US BOEM Announces 8 Proposed Areas for OSW in the Central Atlantic

United States

On November 16, 2022, the United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced eight draft wind energy areas (WEAs) covering approximately 1.7 million acres offshore North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. The closest points of the draft WEAs range from approximately 19 to 77 nautical miles off the U.S. central Atlantic coast and the draft WEAs… Read More

SolarDuck and partners awarded DEI subsidy to build and test Offshore Floating Solar platform ‘Merganser’


Dutch Offshore Floating Solar (OFS) consortium Merganser has received a 7.8m EUR project subsidy from RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) to develop, test and validate the Merganser solar energy platform in harsh North Sea weather conditions. OFS company SolarDuck and marine research institutes TU Delft, TNO, MARIN and Deltares aim to prove that the new installation… Read More

Vitol to acquire Polish renewable investment firm Vortex Energy


Swiss-Dutch energy and commodity trading company Vitol has agreed to purchase a 100% stake in Polish renewable investment firm Vortex Energy from VH Invest . Based in Szczecin, Vortex Energy has delivered more than 400MW of wind and solar operational renewable capacity to date. The company also has more than 3GW of capacity in its development pipeline. The financial details of the… Read More

Aker Solutions and Aibel secure more work on Equinor’s Johan Sverdrup


Norwegian offshore energy service companies Aker Solutions and Aibel have secured maintenance and modification contract extensions from Equinor for the Johan Sverdrup field in the North Sea. The extension of the call-off is in accordance with an existing frame agreement that lasts until February 2026. Both companies estimated the new deals to be worth between… Read More

New offshore wind sector player opts for Kongsberg Maritime CSOV design


Kongsberg Maritime has won a NOK 300 million (about $30 million) contract with Pelagic Wind Services to supply advanced vessel design and equipment for two new Commissioning Service Operation Vessels (CSOVs) on order at Cochin Shipyard in India. The CSOVs are being built under a $350 million “2+2+2” contract placed at the shipyard earlier this… Read More

World’s Largest Floating Wind Farm Generates First Power


Norway’s floating wind farm Hywind Tampen, located nearly 90 miles off the west coast began power production on Sunday, November 13. The project is unique both as it is part of the emergence of floating wind turbines as well as for the first time its power is being used at offshore oil and gas production… Read More

TotalEnergies Moves Fast to Explore Lebanon Offshore Gas Field


On Tuesday, Israel signed a deal with TotalEnergies to allow exploration of a gas prospect that straddles the new maritime boundary line with Lebanon. The announcement comes just a few weeks before former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to return to office in Israel – and potentially retract the Israel-Lebanon maritime border agreement, which was… Read More

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to Receive 2022 Heronemus Award for Outstanding Achievement in Offshore Wind

MD, United States

The Business Network for Offshore Wind, the leading non-profit working to develop offshore wind and build a dedicated supply chain in the United States, will present U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo with the Heronemus Award for Outstanding Achievement in Offshore Wind at its annual Ventus Gala this Thursday, November 17, in recognition of her outstanding leadership and… Read More

Shareholders Vote Down DOF’s Debt-for-Equity Swap


Norwegian offshore vessel operator DOF is the latest in a long string of peers to head for a balance sheet restructuring, but a shareholder revolt appears to have disrupted management’s preferred plan for how to go about it. In June 2022, after three years of negotiations, the company reached a comprehensive agreement with its major creditors…. Read More

Netherlands Awards Lease for Integrating Offshore Wind and Solar Power


The Netherlands announced the awarding of a new offshore lease for the first of two new wind farms which it believes represent the future of offshore energy generation. As part of the tender, the government required concepts that make better use of the full capacity. They called for new solutions for fully integrating all the… Read More

J. Peter Laborde, Jr., Founder & Co-Managing Member, Laborde Marine

LA, United States

Born into offshore royalty, Laborde spent 15 years at the mother ship before founding his own company. “I never doubted I would make it,” he says. Let’s start with a little history. The Laborde name is synonymous with the offshore industry, which was practically invented by your father – a titan in the industry –… Read More

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