The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, is scheduled to hold Saylorville lake levels below the normal conservation pool while a sedimentation survey is conducted. While the lake is held at or below an elevation of 834 feet, data collection will take place, likely during the last week of March or first week… Read More
Since the beginning of construction of the Louisville VA Medical Center in December 2021, the site has seen a lot of change and one of the most noticeable early changes was it going from a 35-acre grassy field to much of the earth materials being collected and sorted in large piles on the south side… Read More
Community members can learn more about restoration efforts at the Former Nansemond Ordnance Depot (FNOD) and hear the latest cleanup progress during an in-person quarterly Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting scheduled for 6:15 to 8 p.m. March 2. at the HRSD SWIFT Research Facility, 6909 Armstead Road, Suffolk, Va. The meeting is open to the public. Topics… Read More
Water levels in the Lower Granite reservoir may fluctuate more than in recent years, now that dredging operations at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater rivers have completed. Before dredging cleared sediment from the confluence, the Lower Granite pool was kept at a minimum elevation of 736 feet, as measured by the confluence gage… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in partnership with the Port of Everett, has completed maintenance dredging of the lower settling basin of the Snohomish River Federal Navigation Channel. American Construction removed 193,000 cubic yards of material with a clamshell dredge. Source
Flooding is always a concern for people living in St. Augustine. “Our property and our neighbors’ properties have flooded for each of the last major hurricanes since Matthew in 2016. The king tides are affecting us with flooding, so everybody is concerned,” said St. Augustine resident, Ted Mooney. Many residents spoke with City of St…. Read More
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, in partnership with the St. Lucie County Erosion District, will begin beach renourishment operations at Fort Pierce, Florida, on or about March 9, 2023. USACE will place approximately 500,000 cubic yards of sand from authorized borrow areas off the coast of Fort Pierce Beach on approximately 1.3 miles… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, and the Georgia Ports Authority’s held an official signing ceremony on Feb. 13, 2023, to commemorate the agreement to initiate the design phase for the Brunswick Harbor Modifications Project. The project involves widening and realigning the existing navigation channel in specific locations to reduce transportation cost inefficiencies… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is accepting public comment on SouthCoast Wind’s proposed offshore energy project 20 miles south of Nantucket. Most of the proposed work would occur in an area approximately 127,000 acres in size leased to SouthCoast by the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Proposed work outside of the lease area… Read More
The General Edgar Jadwin Dam, one of two major structures protecting Honesdale, Hawley and other communities along the Lackawaxen from flooding, is getting updated for the first time since its construction more than six decades ago. Ed Voigt, the government affairs officer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Philadelphia District, said that the… Read More
The USACE Philadelphia District has received a permit application from the Port of Philadelphia. The applicant proposes to perform mechanical maintenance dredging to provide appropriate water depths for the safe turning and docking of container vessels that call at the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal located at 3301 South Columbus Boulevard, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The project… Read More
Justin Ford is one of the newest electrical engineers to join the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District. Justin joined the district’s team of engineers in July 2022, who has grown to appreciate the district’s mission in the region. “I didn’t realize the importance of the waterways in the Pittsburgh District before joining,” Ford… Read More
Parsons Corporation (NYSE: PSN) announced today that the company was awarded a position on a $49 million indefinite-delivery multiple award contract by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Mobile District South Atlantic Division. The five-year contract includes construction management services in support of Military Construction, Civil Works, and Interagency and International Support construction… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States, navigable waters, and the Outer Continental Shelf from SouthCoast Wind Energy in Boston for proposed work in the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the proposed work would occur in the Atlantic Ocean in the… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Highway Division in Boston for proposed work in an unnamed tributary to Winimusset Brook and vegetated wetlands at Ravine Road in New Braintree, Mass. Although this… Read More