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Categories for USACE

Comment period open on Simonds cleanup plan

NY, United States

ENVIRONMENT: $200M and 30 years to scrub uranium from West End site, Army Corps says. A Thursday virtual public input session on the Guterl Steel Site, organized by the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), drew some questions about the cleanup that’s proposed for an old job site of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. More than… Read More

USACE Vicksburg District announces posted restrictions concerning the commercial use of Corps Campsites

MS, United States

VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District is announcing the posting of additional restrictions regarding the commercial rental of campsites in Corps operated campgrounds through the Recreation.Gov reservation system. The following restrictions are posted under the authority of 36 CFR Section 327.12a: 1. Campsites at Corps operated facilities may not… Read More

Corps to host three open houses onboard the Motor Vessel Mississippi

MN, United States

ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will host three open houses onboard the Motor Vessel Mississippi: La Crosse, Wisconsin, Aug. 12, 5-7 p.m., at Riverside Park Wabasha, Minnesota, Aug. 13, 5-7 p.m., at 50 Pembroke Ave. (adjacent to the National Eagle Center) Red Wing, Minnesota, Aug. 14, 10… Read More

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers releases Natural Resources Management Strategic Plan

DC, United States

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently released a Natural Resources Management Strategic Plan that provides a framework for the future of the USACE Natural Resources Management (NRM) program. The plan ensures wise management of public access to USACE lands and waters in a manner that protects all project purposes and mission areas… Read More

Army Corps of Engineers promotes water safety this summer season

DC, United States

Every year about 260 million visits to the more than 400 USACE lake and river projects where visitors exercise, spend time with their families or just enjoy a lazy afternoon. USACE is continually working to maintain and improve the parks surrounding these lake and river projects, including adding new recreational features, usually in partnership with local governments… Read More

Army Corps of Engineers Seeking Input on Essex Harbor Work

CT, United States

Essex — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States from SHM Dauntless, LLC, for proposed work in the Connecticut River at 11 Ferry Street in Essex. The proposed work involves work on A-Dock, D-Dock, and E-Dock at Safe Harbor Essex… Read More

LA District leadership recognizes employees during virtual Engineer Day event

CA, United States

LOS ANGELES – For the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District’s 246th Engineer Day observance, the commander joined the district deputy engineer in a virtual format July 29 via YouTube Live to recognize employees’ accomplishments and provide updates about the District and its projects. Col. Julie Balten and David Van Dorpe hosted what… Read More

District’s FY21 ‘of the year’ recipients named

TX, United States

The Galveston District honored eight awardees for their exceptional contributions and work during Fiscal Year 2021 and in previous years. Commander Col. Tim R. Vail and Deputy District Engineer for Programs and Project Mangement Mr. Byron Williams presented the awards during a ceremony held at the District’s Headquarters in Galveston on July 19, 2021, where… Read More

Old Hickory Lake shoreline project addresses erosion nearby slave cemetery

TN, United States

HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. (July 23, 2021) – Maintenance personnel onboard the Motor Vessel Iroquois removed vegetation and stabilized a section of shoreline on Old Hickory Lake this week to address erosion issues nearby the historic Rock Castle Slave Cemetery, an important cultural resource in the community. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Maintenance Support… Read More

Dam road closed for maintenance

TN, United States

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District announced last week that Dale Hollow Dam Road at the dam in Celina is closed to all traffic while personnel perform scheduled maintenance on the unit head gates. Due to the extensive nature of this work, there is no scheduled date for re-opening the roadway; however, the work… Read More

Workshop targets storm risks along the Rhode Island shoreline

RI, United States

WESTERLY — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and state Coastal Resources Management Council will conduct a virtual public workshop Wednesday night to discuss a project aimed at reducing the risk of storm damage by elevating coastal properties in Westerly, Charlestown, Narragansett, and South Kingstown. The project area includes a series of coastal barrier beaches… Read More

Engineering With Nature’s Tyndall Coastal Resilience Study recognized with international award

MS, United States

VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and its partners received the U.K. Environment Agency Flood & Coast International Excellence Award June 30 for the Tyndall Coastal Resilience Study. The study focused on rebuilding Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, as an Installation of the Future in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael, a… Read More

Corps set to move dredged material, urges caution near work site; contract for Legacy Corporation

MN, United States

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is scheduled to begin moving approximately 50,000 cubic yards of river sand, or dredged material, from the Dakota Island Placement Site, near Dakota, Minnesota, to the Trempealeau, Wisconsin, Placement Site, which is about 8 miles away. The Corps’ contractor, Legacy Corporation, out… Read More

Billion-dollar benefit: Gulf Coast Protection District aims to fund coastal barrier project

United States

Nearly 13 years since it was first proposed, the coastal barrier between Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula is one milestone closer to reality with the creation of the Gulf Coast Protection District. During the 87th Texas Legislature that ended May 31, legislators passed Senate Bill 1160, filed by Sen. Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, and its House… Read More

Corps of Engineers begin 2021 Duluth-Superior Harbor maintenance dredging, Minnesota Point beach nourishment, with Roen Salvage Co

MN, United States

DULUTH, Minn., – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is set to begin 2021 maintenance dredging and Minnesota Point beach nourishment the week of Aug. 1, 2021. Cleanup of material placed during 2020 continues. “The contractor may begin mobilizing their equipment as early as July 26 but are more likely to start the week of… Read More

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