Some of the most significant oil spills in Washington State’s history happened in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Salish Sea. An Emergency Response Towing Vessel (ERTV) stands ready 24/7 on the northwestern Olympic Peninsula point in the Port of Neah Bay to quickly respond. However, challenging tides affect its readiness and the ability… Read More
The latest dredging program for the Wicomico River is underway, the Baltimore District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said. USACE just released this amazing photo from the Deal Island dredging area, an important part of the Baltimore District’s maintenance dredging effort for the Federal Ship Canal in Wicomico County, Maryland. “When the Wicomico… Read More
The Port of Tacoma (POT) and the Port of Seattle (POS) joined the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in ceremonies marking design agreements for the Seattle Navigation Improvement Project and the Tacoma Harbor Navigation Improvement Project. These projects are part of a comprehensive modernization initiative for The Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) gateway that began… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District has begun Stage 13 of a periodic beach nourishment project at Surfside-Sunset Beach. The construction contract was awarded to Manson Construction in October, and work began in late November. The cost of the project is $23.13 million. For Stage 13, about 1.1 million cubic yards of… Read More
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) announced Monday that two dredging projects in Sussex County are slated to start in the new year. These projects aim to improve navigability on two essential waterways benefiting both boaters and the environment. DNREC says dredging will start at the southern end of the Assawoman… Read More
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. LLC, Houston, Texas, was awarded a $95,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for dredging Freeport Harbor, Texas. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 7, 2027. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston, Texas,… Read More
The Soo Locks’ MacArthur Lock will close for the Navigation Season at 7 a.m. on December 17 through April 24, 2024, to perform dam safety inspections and routine maintenance. The Poe Lock will remain open until January 15, 2024, or until commercial traffic ceases, whichever occurs first. The Soo Locks operating season is fixed by… Read More
Today, the U.S. Navy, on behalf of NOAA, has awarded $146,778,932 to Skanska USA, from New York, to design and build a new NOAA facility on Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island. This facility will eventually be the new home of NOAA’s Marine Operations Center – Atlantic. While the details of the facility’s design are… Read More
The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is spearheading a major effort to save Orange County‘s world-famous beaches from a natural threat: erosion. The problem of disappearing sand is nothing new but has become more alarming in recent years. In March, the U.S. Geological Survey released a report predicting that rising sea levels could erode 25% to… Read More
A much-anticipated sand renourishment project is starting up this week in Wrightsville Beach. Commercial vessels and marine equipment are being moved into Banks Channel, toward the south end of the beach, and into Masonboro Inlet, according to the Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District. A pipe in which sand will be pumped from the inlet… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, federal partner the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and state partner the Missouri Department of Conservation are planning a habitat rehabilitation project for the West Alton Islands on the Mississippi River. An open house will be held Wednesday, December 13, 2023 from 5-7 p.m. at the… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hosted a public meeting for the Painted Rock Marsh Restoration project Oct. 18 at the Gila Bend Library in Gila Bend, Arizona. Attendees reviewed the proposal to return a small portion of land in the dry Gila River Drainage Basin, near the… Read More
Work is expected to begin in January on a $10 million U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project that will bring much-needed sand to the beaches at both the Isle of Palms and Sullivan’s Island. At a Nov. 13 public meeting held at the IOP Exchange Club, Corps Project Manager Jacob Kyzar said the contractor, to… Read More
Preparation work for a dredging project in White Creek and the Assawoman Canal is set to begin before the start of 2024. Both waterways are important navigation channels in the Inland Bays. White Creek is northwest of Bethany Beach. It flows from the south to the north into Indian River Bay. It serves numerous marinas and… Read More
Manson Construction Co., Seattle, Washington, was awarded a $70,627,100 firm-fixed-price contract for Norfolk Harbor and channel dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work will be performed in Norfolk, Virginia, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 31, 2025. Fiscal 2023 civil construction and City of Virginia Beach funds in the amount… Read More