A marsh restoration project at the Round Island Coastal Preserve in Pascagoula is scheduled to begin this week. The project, which is a partnership between Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality and the state Department of Marine Resources will see the removal of about five million yards of dredge material removed by the U.S. Army Corps… Read More
Construction crews at New York State Electric and Gas’ (NYSEG) former Penn Yan manufactured gas plant (MGP) site are in the process of wrapping up stabilization work to prepare for dredging in the coming months. NYSEG representatives said the effort to dredge contaminated soils from the Keuka Outlet is expected to begin this summer as… Read More
The much hyped Jhelum dredging project is yet to take off despite tall claims of the authorities as the defective “high-tech” dredger afloat Jhelum River here is yet to extract any deposits from the river bed. Though the company tasked to de-slit the river bed claims that the dredger was made operational two weeks back… Read More
North Myrtle Beach City Council passed second and final reading Monday on an ordinance to approve a “Master Trust Indenture” for the Cherry Grove dredging project. According to a press release from city spokesperson Pat Dowling, the measure “authorizes the Mayor and City Manager to execute and deliver the MTI upon the issuance of the… Read More
High surf and rain in the forecast have most boats docked in the Santa Cruz Harbor. A series of recent storms have caused trouble for the harbor because of higher wave energy. “It’s just a tough location, and with a winter like this it’s even worse because we’ve had more cumulative wave energy than any… Read More
ST. AUGUSTINE | Florida’s budget includes more than $2.8 million for the Summer Haven River, a water body that once mingled with the Matanzas Inlet but is now filled with sand. The funding will go toward dredging and restoration of the river, a once-popular recreation spot. “We will have the Summer Haven River back,” Sen…. Read More
The dredging of the Wellington Harbour and Channel began Saturday, March 18 and will continue through Thursday, March 31. “There is restricted access to the east end of the beach,” said Tanya Delaney, outdoor facilities supervisor with the County. “This area will be fenced off while dredging work is taking place.” Accumulated sand is being… Read More
Despite the Central government’s financial support, the dredging of the Jhelum has put the J&K Government in a difficult situation as the disposal of excavated material may need over thousands of kanals. Experts have raised an alarm as the department is disposing silt and sand excavated from the river in low-lying areas of Srinagar which… Read More
The sand in Banks Channel is the pristine, just-right-in-texture kind of sand Topsail Beach wants pumped onto its beach. The channel has been the go-to sand source for beach re-nourishment projects, and town leaders are aiming to further secure their preferred source by asking the Army Corps of Engineers to tap into a federally restricted… Read More
Recent El Nino storms formed a sandbar at the entrance of Santa Cruz Harbor and all boats are now banned from entering or exiting. A U.S. Coast Guard port captain issued an emergency order on Friday afternoon. “I am establishing a temporary emergency safety zone to restrict vessel traffic at the Santa Cruz Harbor as… Read More
Clearance of a 70-year build-up of silt that boaters claim has made one of Scotland’s most popular canals virtually unnavigable is finally under way, The Scotsman has learned. New machines are dredging and cutting back weeds on the Union Canal between Falkirk and Edinburgh at the start of a determined effort by Scottish Canals to… Read More
On a 75-degree afternoon in Kure Beach, sunbathers unfolded their chairs on sand that days before was sitting on the ocean floor. Behind them lay the barrel-width metal pipes that had pumped in the beach and a few hundred yards away a small herd of bulldozers was spreading still more sand. But if the weather… Read More
For the first time since 2009, major dredging will occur this summer in Matanzas Pass, giving relief to the boats that travel along the federal channel and sometimes bottom out. “Right now, by the point (of Estero Island’s northern tip) I’d say it’s about only 8 or 9 feet deep at low tide,” said Dennis… Read More