The Stone Harbor Borough Council’s meeting room drew about 50 residents for a Sept. 10 presentation on the new dredging plan. The borough’s contractor for the project, Sevenson Environmental Services, filled two hours with a review of the less-than-successful phase one and the plans for completing the work in phase two this fall. Sevenson began… Read More
After several years of permitting hoops, the West Coast Inland Navigational District (WCIND) finally got the federal okay to dredge Big Carlos Pass. Due to sand drifting from beach renourishment projects, the channel between Estero Island and Lover’s Key has been getting shallower and tighter. “During winter, tides are extra low and the pass is… Read More
Two years in the making and at the mercy of the weather, work is finally beginning on the much-anticipated Gordon Pass dredging project. See the video here: Source: nbc-2
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has signed an agreement authorizing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE), and Horry County, South Carolina, to use up to one million cubic yards of sand from federal waters to renourish the Garden City and Surfside Beach areas of Horry and Georgetown Counties. The project… Read More
Restoration work has begun at Mispillion Harbor Reserve and the Ted Harvey Conservation Area on two key DNREC projects that will repair and restore beaches, critical wetlands and other natural defenses. Both Division of Fish and Wildlife projects protect and restore wildlife habitat, improve coastal resiliency and preparedness to storms, and protect public safety and… Read More
The head of Napier Port is confident any environment concerns arising from its expansion plans will be fully addressed. The regional council-owned port is proposing to spend 100-million dollars on a second wharf and dredging work, to deepen and extend its existing shipping channel. The project’s needed to allow larger ships into port, and increase… Read More
Tropical Storm Hermine may be long gone, but some Shore towns in New Jersey are still feeling the effects and planning for future storms while they continue to wait for beach replenishment. A week after Hermine made its way toward New Jersey, whipping up high waves, the southernmost beaches in Brick Township remain closed because… Read More
Environmental protection groups protested against a dredging operation at Niaoyu Port in Penghu County, saying the sand pulled from the harbor and piled on a clearing might be blown out to sea and damage coral reefs. At least 35,000m3 of sand has been dredged up and deposited on the eastern part of Penghu Beach, in… Read More
Plans to dredge Wild Harbor will be delayed, following the completion of a beach nourishment survey that verified the need to remove more sand than previously expected. “The bottom line is not good news,” Harbor Master Gregg P. Fraser said at a meeting of the Falmouth Waterways Committee on Wednesday, September 7. The comprehensive permit… Read More
Somerset farmers have expressed grave concern that they could be ordered to flood their farmland for weeks on end to protect towns and villages further downstream. The suggestion that farmland should be used to store millions of gallons of water was discussed at a public meeting with Environmental Agency officials at Langport on the Somerset… Read More
A loaded agenda greets Sarnia council for its regular meeting Monday. It’s recommended Ocean Group, based out of Quebec City, be awarded the nearly $3-million tender for Sarnia Harbour Maintenance Dredging. Councillor Anne-Marie Gillis thinks it’s in the city’s best interest to make sure the harbour is functional and the depths are there for the… Read More
Longboat Key officials will soon be deciding if dredging will take place at any of the island’s canals. It seems as if around every corner on Longboat Key, there is a canal. And if town officials have their way, they’ll have ongoing maintenance of the canals to prevent future problems. Dr. Manuel Garcia and his… Read More
A proposal for dredging a portion of the Jones River could cost the town $2.8 million in the first phase of an $8 million project. While in the beginning stages of deciding how to proceed, residents have questions about the benefits of the dredging. Selectmen Chairman Elaine Fiore said the purpose for dredging the channel… Read More
Councillors have called for dredging of the Shannon, cleaning of drainage areas, an earlier drop of winter water levels on the river and a lowering of water levels in Lough Allen following a presentation on CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans for towns and villages impacted by flooding. Public consultations on the draft plans are… Read More
The federal government is looking to spend more than $11 million to restore the beach at Hashamomuck Cove in Southold, but its commitment is conditioned on two things that won’t be an easy sell. First, there’s the question of who’s going to pick up the rest of the tab: an additional more than $6 million… Read More