Dredging the Swinomish Channel and creating a county-wide broadband network were the major discussions of a joint meeting between the ports of Anacortes and Skagit on Jan. 5 at City Hall. Kym Anderson, chief of the Army Corps of Engineers Navigation Section, gave the two commissions an update on the workings of the agency when… Read More
Northern States Power Co. agreed Tuesday to fund the final phase of cleaning up contaminates at the Ashland Lakeshore Superfund Site. The utility, also known as Xcel Energy, agreed to design, construct and clean up contaminated sediments in Chequamegon Bay at an estimated cost of $42 million. Xcel, the U.S. Department of Justice and the… Read More
The long-sought interim solution to shoaling in Hatteras Inlet is close to happening, but members of the Dare County Waterways Commission are anxiously aware of the looming close of the window of opportunity. An agreement between the county and the state is approaching approval, meaning that a persistent navigation problem will finally be addressed in… Read More
After a public comment period through January 17, a decision on the plan by the corps’ New Orleans district commander is expected by March. This is followed by a feasibility study in September and a corps’ commander’s report is to be submitted to the US Congress in March 2018. Once approved and signed into law,… Read More
Paradip Port is in the second phase of a major capital dredging project. The state-managed port in the mineral-rich state of Odisha, India, on the east coast of the Bay of Bengal, is carrying out this second round of dredging to complement a new bulk terminal. These projects form part of an expansion programme to… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Rahway River Flood Risk Management Study will host two information meetings in Cranford and Rahway. The meetings are part of a 45-day public comment period for the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report (DIFR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Rahway River Flood Risk Management Study, from Dec…. Read More
THE iSimangaliso Wetland Park has signed contracts of R23.41-million each with T&T Marine (Pty) Ltd and Scribante Africa Mining (Pty) Ltd. Both contracts will run until the end of June and are for the loading, hauling, tipping and disposal of sand from the dredge spoil island in the mouth area of the Lake St Lucia… Read More
The decision by the Army Corps of Engineers not to recommend a flood control project for the borough was “heartless,” state Sen. Kip Bateman (R-District 16) said. “As a lifelong resident of Somerset County, I have seen far too many homes and small businesses that have been irreversibly damaged by flooding,” Bateman said Thursday. “It… Read More
A small clause in the nation’s most recent water resources and funding bill could breathe new life into plans for a large vessel port in Western Alaska. The Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama shortly before the holidays, directs U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials… Read More
The scope of dredging at the approaches to and in water areas of Russian seaports performed by Rosmorport in 2016 surged by more than 30% Y-o-Y to over 11 mln cbm. FSUE Rosmorport says it is the record high result achieved by the company throughout its history. The bulk of dredging works were performed at… Read More
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is raising the price of cleaning up the Portland Harbor Superfund Site from $746 million to $1.05 billion in a final plan that calls for more dredging and capping of contaminated soil along a 10-mile stretch of the Willamette River. In a statement released shortly after the plan was announced… Read More
Construction is underway on a £115m project to revive Dover’s Western Docks. The Port of Dover has appointed VSBW, a joint venture between VolkerStevin and Boskalis Westminster, to deliver the marine structures and bridge contract for the development. The first construction stage includes the design and build of two new berths including quay walls and… Read More
The Department of Infrastructure wants to remove up to 7,000 tonnes of silt from Peel marina. Minister Ray Harmer will set out plans for maintaining the marina over the next three years at this month’s sitting of Tynwald. The plans include dredging the marina in the spring to remove the material, which would result in… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District and the Calhoun Port Authority will host a public scoping meeting Jan. 24, 2017 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Bauer Civic Center, 2300 Highway 35 North, Port Lavaca, Texas, 77979. “The purpose of this meeting is to invite interested persons, organizations and representatives from the general public,… Read More
The Irish Farmer Association (IFA) have expressed major concerns over the Government’s proposal to dump almost 100,000 tonnes of fine peaty silt in Donegal bay. They fear that this will pose a serious threat the health of millions of fish and shellfish farmed along the Donegal and Sligo coastline. The dumping could damage up to… Read More