In an environmentally conscious approach, the Centre is planning to use debris and sediments gathered from dredging the river Yamuna for the construction of roads in Delhi and NCR. A feasibility report is to be conducted in this regard, after which an arrangement will be made with National Highway Authority of India and the Public… Read More
Two dozen projects have been recommended for approval by a citizens’ committee overseeing use of a special county sales tax targeted for Indian River Lagoon restoration. The committee plowed through 36 proposals from Brevard County, five cities and other entities for a range of projects, including sewer line extensions, stormwater projects, baffle boxes and other… Read More
A key mitigation feature of the $706 million Savannah harbor deepening project is being revised with a plan that employs scarecrows and drones to keep birds off a potentially hazardous site. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released its new plan recently for disposing of cadmium-laden sediment dredged from the bottom of the river last… Read More
Now that Port Houston has finished dredging channels at its Bayport and Barbours Cut container terminals to 45-foot depth, the US Army Corps of Engineers is working to widen a curve to allow larger ships to enter and exit Bayport. Work on the “Bayport flare” is expected to be finished by September, Mark Vincent, Port… Read More
The first dredging of Sarnia Harbour coordinated and executed by the city has ended — and not a moment too soon. The last scoop of muck was pulled from the Harbour floor late last week, resulting in a minimal overlap with the lucrative ship repair season this winter, said Peter Hungerford, Sarnia’s director of economic… Read More
Five parish presidents in the Baton Rouge area have reached a consensus on three priority drainage projects in the wake of the August floods, Ascension Parish government said Monday. The Comite River Diversion Canal, the West Shore Levee Protection system and the clearing and dredging of Bayou Manchac are the top projects officials agreed upon… Read More
The 10% decrease in precipitation within Urmia’s catchment area during the current water year (started Sept. 22) compared to the previous year has hindered the lake’s restoration. Adequate rainfall in the last water year helped improve the lake’s level of water while this year, low precipitation and high evaporation rates took a toll on its… Read More
Something is rotten in the state of Flushing Bay, Queens. Residents in part of the bay near the World’s Fair Marina at Grand Central Expressway and Astoria Blvd. have long complained of strong odors emanating from the bay caused by rotten sediment. But the city Department of Environmental Protection has begun a $34 million dredging… Read More
Chief Minister V. Narayanasamy on Saturday said he had made out a strong case to the Dredging Corporation of India (DCI) to expedite the dredging work at the Thengaithittu fishing harbour here. Asked about the delay in dredging operations, he said he had met senior officials of DCI in Visakhapatnam and asked them to expedite… Read More
Sediment flowing into Lake Adger has been a growing problem for years, leading to shallow water levels that at times block access to the lake via the public marina. Dredging operations could soon be underway to start removing thousands of cubic feet of sediment. Those operations have been in the works for more than a… Read More
St. Anthony is hoping to turn itself into an even busier hub for marine activity, once it removes a large rock in its harbour. St. Anthony Mayor Ern Simms, who also chairs the town’s harbour authority, says some larger ships can’t dock in the town due to what is known locally as Harbour Rock. “There’s… Read More
The Port of Coos Bay is working on a plan to dredge and discharge about 150,000 cubic yards of material from Coos Bay over the next three years. The application was submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers in Portland, and now the Corps is asking for public comment on the proposal. According to… Read More
Back-bay dredging will go forward, but the city is still working to figure out when and how. In a public letter posted on the city website earlier this month, Mayor Jay Gillian said the city is dropping a plan to use property on Shelter Road to de-water dredge material, citing the financial and logistical impact… Read More
A MAJOR boost is under way for the city’s marine industry with construction kicking off next week of two massive berths and the pending approval of a major dredging facility at Coomera. Steve Sammes, chief operating officer of Gold Coast City Marina, said work would start at the beginning of February on berths for super… Read More
Cuyahoga County has asked a federal judge to rule against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in a lawsuit over the Corps’ plans to dump dredged materials from the Cleveland Harbor into Lake Erie. The county in an amicus, or “friend-of-the-court,” brief Thursday said the county has an interest in keeping the lake’s water safe… Read More