A beach replenishment project is underway in the Outer Banks. The project will span about two miles of beach in Duck, 2.7 miles of beach in Kill Devil Hills, all of Kitty Hawk and part of Southern Shores. In Kill Devil Hills, the project is scheduled to begin later this week. As a result, equipment… Read More
Sandwich selectmen have given the okay for engineers to begin the first phase in the dredging of Old Sandwich Harbor. The Woods Hole Group is working with the town on the project, which would see the dredging of the Harbor and placing the sediment onto Town Neck Beach. The group would also look to address… Read More
Gov. John Bel Edwards has signed into law a bill that allows the clearing and dredging of some scenic rivers, including several in St. Tammany Parish, to improve drainage. Edwards this week signed the bill by Sen. Mack “Bodi” White, which amends the Louisiana Scenic Rivers Act and allows local, state or federal governments to… Read More
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is providing $10.5 million in Waterway Improvement Fund grants to improve public boating access and navigation throughout the state. Passed by the Maryland General Assembly and signed by Governor Larry Hogan, this critical funding will go toward 49 projects in 18 counties from Allegany to Worcester. “Through this grant… Read More
Brevard County started collecting a half-cent in sales tax earlier in the year to raise funds to help save the ailing Indian River Lagoon. The county has already started using those funds and officials were working Friday to permanently abandon 14 septic tanks near the lagoon on Merritt Island. The property owners using the septic… Read More
The Coast Guard is establishing three safety zones to facilitate the Philadelphia to Sea Dredging Maintenance Project which will be conducting dredging in the Delaware River from June 17, 2017 through September 1, 2017. During this time, the dredge ILLINOIS will begin dredging in Marcus Hook Range, followed by Deepwater Point Range, and finish dredging… Read More
The first phase of the Shell Rock River Watershed District’s dredging of Fountain Lake will begin no later than June 1 of next year, according to dates presented Wednesday at the district’s board of managers workshop. Potential contractors would be able to start the dredging process earlier than that date if necessary, and that phase… Read More
Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) is urging Secretary Robert Speer, the acting Army Secretary, to do more to educate those in Buffalo County who could lose their land, and for some their livelihood. The Army Corp of Engineers is proposing to acquire 489 acres of farmland through eminent domain to house sand that is dredged from… Read More
A major milestone has been reached in the Eden Breakwater Wharf Extension project with the announcement today that Heron Construction Company Ltd has been awarded the dredging contract. Member for Bega Andrew Constance said the dredging will signal the start of major works on the $44 million project that will see the Eden Breakwater Wharf… Read More
After the emergency dredging at Green Harbor wrapped up this year, Marshfield town officials began looking at ways to repurpose material dredged up in the future. Due to a misalignment of the jetties coming into Green Harbor, sediment builds up much quicker than it should, making the channel boaters use to get in and out… Read More
State Rep. Scott Dianda (D-Calumet) announced Wednesday that the state Department of Natural Resources has agreed to pay for the emergency dredging of Lake Superior’s Big Traverse Bay Harbor in Schoolcraft Township. Stamp sand has again nearly completely blocked the harbor and stopped boat traffic, potentially harming the region’s fishing industry. Stamp sand is crushed… Read More
Just like the river that’s eroding beaches and threatening property on Cape Horn and Puget Island shorelines, the requirement for permits to address the situation just keeps flowing. Wahkiakum County’s board of commissioners, acting as commissioners for four flood control zone districts (FCZD), have been working for two years to set up beach nourishment programs… Read More
The short term dredging of the Connecting Channel has paved the way for mariners to travel through Hatteras Inlet, but plans need to be made to keep the channel open in the weeks and months to come. This was the overlying message at the Dare County Waterways Commission meeting, which was held on June 12… Read More
Residents of Tuckerton and Little Egg Harbor still have time to comment on a plan to dredge local creeks and lagoons and use the dredge fill in an area for marsh and storm protection. The material dredged from Thompson, Tuckerton and Rose creeks and several low areas in lagoons located in Tuckerton Beach and Osborn… Read More
THE Gold Coast’s biggest offshore dredging program has kicked off with a 111m long barge dredging tonnes of sand and pumping it toward beaches today. The $13.9 million Beach Nourishing Project aims to increase the amount of sand on open beaches which are vulnerable to erosion caused by powerful cyclones and wild surf. For the… Read More