Enough sand to fill 50 Olympic swimming pools has been pumped on to the beach at Dawlish Warren in a project to protect the vulnerable main railway line and thousands of homes. The £14 million scheme has already raised parts of the western end of the beach by up to three metres since the beginning… Read More
At Juhu beach, but want to get away from the crowds? The Versova beach will soon be just a short walk away. The Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) is planning a boardwalk to connect the 4km-long Juhu beach with the 2.5-km-long Versova beach, which are currently separated by a creek and mangroves. The boardwalk, along with… Read More
A plan to expand Lyttelton Harbour’s shipping channel has been approved, despite major opposition from iwi on cultural and environmental grounds. It came with a stern warning, however, over the need to exercise “corporate responsibility” throughout the project. Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) has received four resource consents to deepen the Canterbury harbour’s channel, allowing… Read More
For years, an improperly installed underwater power line acted as a barrier to an ambitious project to dredge Boston Harbor. Now a solution has been outlined in federal court. The US Army Corps of Engineers and the Massachusetts Port Authority, two agencies pursuing the $310 million dredging project, have reached a settlement with Eversource Energy… Read More
The Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) continues to carry out operational dredging in Chernomorsk seaport. USPA says the water area is being cleaned of sediment silt and foreign objects to restore passport and navigation depths at the berths, as well as to ensure the safety of vessels traffic. The result will be an increase in… Read More
The Maine Department of Transportation has identified an inland site to deposit material from the planned maintenance dredging of Searsport Harbor by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Army Corps spokesman Timothy Dugan said the dredging will remove about 40,000 cubic yards of material to maintain the channel depth of 35 feet below “mean lower… Read More
Bangladesh has signed a Tk166cr deal to dredge the Pasur River Mongla Port Authority has signed a deal to ensure coal, construction equipment and raw material can be transported more easily via aquatic channels to the Rampal Power Plant. On Sunday, MPA Chairman AKM Faruq Hasan signed a deal with the Dredging Corporation of India… Read More
A consultant hired by St. Johns Riverkeeper says deepening Jacksonville’s harbor to a depth of 47 feet for huge cargo containers ships from Asia would be a losing proposition that won’t deliver economic benefits justifying the steep cost of dredging. St. Johns Riverkeeper, the non-profit that is fighting in federal court to stop the deep… Read More
The Bethel Sewer Lagoon Rehabilitation Project is getting underway, and KYUK spoke with City officials about the upcoming venture. The City of Bethel has released plans and is currently accepting construction bids on a portion of the project. John Sargent is the City of Bethel’s Grant Manager and said that there are two parts to… Read More
New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials are cautioning boaters that navigational aids in the Manasquan River and Wills Hole Thorofare channels will be removed at times as the dredging project continues. The second season of dredging in Ocean and Monmouth counties resumed on July 5. The $3.4 million project began in the fall of… Read More
‘Reach Dredging Ltd’ which is busy in dredging the river Jhelum from Srinagar to Baramulla, Tuesday held meetings to review the progress of the work of dredging at various places. Managing Director ‘Reach’ Sunil Patwari convened the meetings at Srinagar and Baramulla, a statement said. Representatives from various associated agencies and the officials of ‘Reach… Read More
St. Clair County is moving forward with plans to limit further erosion of the beach at Fort Gratiot County Park. “We’ve lost probably between 50 and 60 feet of the beach,” said Parks and Recreation Director Mark Brochu. “That’s pretty consistent down the shoreline.” He said the sand along the beach has been washed away… Read More
It has been talked about for years and now Cairns is set to benefit in a big way with both the State Government and the LNP Opposition committing to the $120 million Cairns Shipping Development Project. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk today revealed details of the long-awaited Environmental Impact Statement report, including confirmation that around 1 million… Read More
THE commitment of Cork County Council to dredging and coastal improvement works in West Cork was described as “a shambles” at the recent council meeting held in County Hall where several West Cork councillors voiced their frustration at the lack of commitment from the local authority. The villages of Courtmacsherry and Ring and Reen Pier… Read More
BUILDING a seawall at Portsea means the iconic beach will never return, says the man who successfully lobbied the state government to investigate massive erosion that started in 2009 and led to the loss of 400 metres of prime beach. Colin Watson, president of Nepean Ratepayers Association, said he was disappointed with the decision to… Read More