The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has told GreaterBabylon it has secured $26,222,000 for a restoration project that will add approximately 1.8 million cubic yards of sand from the Fire Island Inlet to Gilgo Beach. The additional sand will serve as coastal protection from storms. “The project will also benefit navigation within the Fire Island… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of engineers says roughly $66 million has been invested into dune and beach replenishment projects in Delaware since Hurricane Sandy. The corps says of that $66 million, Lewes received $3 million, Rehoboth and Dewey received $24 million, Bethany/South Bethany received $27 million and Fenwick Island received $12 million. The act of… Read More
Making the Grand River accessible to power boaters looking to travel from Grand Rapids to Lake Michigan would boost tourism in the region and generate an estimated annual economic impact of $5.7 million, according to a new study. The study, by East Lansing-based Anderson Economic Group, was conducted on behalf of Grand River Waterway, a… Read More
The sand dunes that used to line the western shoreline of Deal Island are almost all gone. So are the trees that stood behind them on this low-lying patch of land jutting into Tangier Sound on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. All that remains now are stumps poking up out of the waves, which wash over a… Read More
In a first step toward a new plan, the city and port authority of Wabasha sent a new dredge material management plan for Lower Pool 4 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The plan, said Wabasha City Administrator Chad Springer, includes the cost of moving 260,000 cubic feet of sand annually from temporary storage… Read More
A multi-million dollar project to dredge the St. Lawrence River at the Port of Ogdensburg and expand the terminal’s cargo capacity is inching forward, with fresh conversations involving city of Ogdensburg officials over how construction and other maritime disruptions will impact residents and nearby municipal properties. Ogdensburg City Council was given an update on the… Read More
The big container ships and tankers will move in and out of Unalaska easier if the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers blasts and scoops 16 feet from the bottom near the Dutch Harbor Spit in a proposed $29 million project that’s at least four years away. And bigger ships will be coming, even though that’s… Read More
In the third year of dredging Lake Neatahwanta, Fulton Mayor Ronald Woodward Sr. said that the process will move along “much faster” now as new equipment and training has been secured. The city of Fulton purchased a dredge from Groh Dredging, the contractor that had been performing the dredging in the first years of the… Read More
The Newport Beach City Council agreed Tuesday to spend up to about $1.5 million to dredge the northerly stretch of the narrow waterway that separates Balboa Island’s main and “little” sides — plus the small channel around the Harbor Island bridge to Balboa Island’s northwest. Associated Pacific Constructors Inc. of Morro Bay will get the… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has begun dredging a sand bar at the entrance to the Oceanside Harbor in San Diego. The project was delayed nearly six months after it was scheduled to begin due to a lack of permit. According to the San Diego Union Tribune, the goal of the annual spring… Read More
A massive construction and expansion project completed at the Fairview Container Terminal in Prince Rupert, B.C., is in the spotlight and three companies that worked on the ambitious venture have won silver Vancouver Regional Construction Association (VRCA) 2018 Awards of Excellence. Maksim Mihic, general manager of DP World (Canada) Inc. which operates the terminal, said… Read More
During the recent increased volume of water in June it was observed that the flow of the water has got considerably slowed down. Recently the Secretary Irrigation and Flood Control publicly expressed displeasure regarding the slow pace of dredging in the flood spill over channel. He had earlier given a detailed interview to the newspaper… Read More
The main shipping channel in New Haven Harbor would be 5 feet deeper and 100 feet wider, enabling larger ships to use New England’s second-largest port, if the plan selected by the Army Corps of Engineers is implemented. According to the presentation given Tuesday at Bailey Middle School, the rock, silt and sand that would… Read More
LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) – Port of Vinton officials say dredging operations near the mouth of the Vinton Navigation Channel has been completed. “It has been more than seven years since any maintenance dredge work has been performed on the channel, and in that time, a naturally occurring ‘humping’ of sediment near the mouth of… Read More
Crews will soon begin dredging channels in Ocean County to ensure safe navigation, the latest in a series of projects that began in 2014, state officials announced. The work in the northern Barnegat Bay area, set to begin on Oct. 22 and continue through Dec. 31, is part of a $16 million project that improves… Read More