PHILADELPHIA – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia district is still accepting public and agency comments on a draft report that addresses the need for storm protection along a portion of the existing Cape May seawall, in the vicinity of Wilmington and Beach avenues. According to a release, in late February, the Army Corps… Read More
Targeted work includes historic masonry wall, eastern shore bluff areas The U.S., Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, has released its project findings for the Old Fort Niagara Streambank and Shoreline Erosion Protection Study. A 735-page report represents the federal government’s response to the Lake Ontario shoreline erosion problems that threaten historically significant structures at… Read More
ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will present at the Small and Disadvantaged Business Opportunities Council government procurement fair on April 26 at 1 p.m. This presentation will be part of a week-long virtual government procurement fair hosted by the Small and Disadvantaged Business Opportunities Council. The procurement fair… Read More
Move to allow EPA to conduct review required by Clean Water Act REGIONAL— Another major permit for the proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mine near Hoyt Lakes has been suspended until further notice as a result of a court ruling. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has pulled the project’s wetland impact permit after the Environmental Protection… Read More
Maj. Gen. William H. Graham, deputy commanding general of civil and emergency operations for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, visited the Moose Creek Dam on Feb. 19 while touring the organization’s northernmost flood control project. Col. Kirk Gibbs, USACE Pacific Ocean Division commander, and Col. Damon Delarosa, USACE Alaska District commander, accompanied the general…. Read More
Buying patterns from previous stimulus checks offer a good indication of what’s ahead The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates. The third round of stimulus checks is starting to be disseminated. Based on the flow of trade, don’t expect the… Read More
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., – The Detroit District’s Soo Area Office will open the Poe Lock noon, March 24, marking the 2021 Great Lakes shipping season start. The shipping industry requested an early season opening to ensure safety of the vessels. “We believe a 1200 EST opening on 24 March 2021 provides a safer timeframe… Read More
Toms River officials are engaging with the state Department of Environmental Protection to coordinate the repair efforts for the Feb. 1-2 nor’easter, with Trenton considering allocating $50 million to statewide beach and dune projects this year. The Ortley Beach section of Toms River is agreed to have suffered some of the worst damage in the… Read More
Tens of millions of dollars in key flood-protection and coastal-restoration projects are included in the state’s draft spending plan for the fiscal year that starts July 1. The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority’s draft budget for fiscal 2022 calls for spending $887 million across the state’s coast, 71% of going directly to constructing projects. Some of… Read More
The weather has been so nice of late that some residents will be looking to put their boats in the water soon. There are a few spots you can do that, but one of them will be unavailable starting on Wednesday until the end of the month. Crews will be starting the annual dredging of… Read More
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (March 16, 2021) – Bradley Wilson, lock and dam equipment mechanic at Pickwick Lock on the Tennessee River in Counce, Tennessee, is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for January 2021. Wilson is recognized primarily for taking the lead to rehabilitate Pickwick Lock’s main chamber lower tow-haulage… Read More
By Alicia Tarancon, Action News Jax The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District is searching for people in our area who want to step up and protect our beaches from coastal storms and reduce the risk of flooding. It’s hiring people who really want to make a difference and don’t mind getting paid to… Read More
Greater Sacramento, California, is considered one of the most at-risk regions in the United States for catastrophic flooding. Its location, at the confluence of the Sacramento and American Rivers, has made it necessary to rely on an aging system of levees, weirs, and passes, as well as Folsom Dam upstream, to reduce flooding. In 1997,… Read More
Project expected to be complete by April 30 COCOA BEACH, Fla. – Cocoa Beach — the Space Coast’s premier tourism spot — soon will see new sands, dredged up and pumped in from shoals several miles offshore of Cape Canaveral. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin placing the new sand on the so-called… Read More
Scorpion Pier provides visitors from around the world access to Santa Cruz Island—the most visited island in Channel Islands National Park, California. The pier is located at Scorpion Anchorage, a semi-protected ocean environment that poses both opportunities and challenges to the Park and visitors. The former pier was a repurposed flatbed railcar installed in 2000,… Read More