The U.S. Army has awarded a five-year, $90 million firm-fixed-price contract under which Benaka, H.V. Collins, J&J Contractors, P&S Construction, Structural Associates Inc. and Tantara Associates will compete for individual order of general construction work in Massachusetts. Each order will determine specific work location, which is within the New England District of the Army Corps… Read More
The Captiva Erosion Prevention District’s commission decided on the contractor, bank for the municipal bond loan and bond counsel for the beach renourishment project at its recent meeting. On May 10, the commissioners voted 4-0 to accept the recommendation of both its staff and consultants to award the bid for the upcoming project to Great… Read More
You might as well forget the term “shared adversity.” The Army Corps of Engineers is adopting a new strategy with the next Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule that should be termed “redistribution of adversity to the Caloosahatchee” instead. The new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual or LOSOM, will determine when and how much water is released… Read More
By The Chronicle staff Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Battle Ground, on Friday sent a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers asking that the position of the retiring Southwest Washington section chief be filled. With the upcoming retirement of Bob Thomas, Herrera Beutler wrote that a replacement is needed to continue working on issues… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District announces additional reopenings starting May 14, 2021, at Corps-managed recreation areas along the Okeechobee Waterway that were closed in March 2020 to protect against the further spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). W.P. Franklin North The campground gate will be open to the public from sunrise to… Read More
DETROIT- With warm weather approaching, many will spend summer in or around the water. As Great Lakes stewards, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reminds visitors and residents the importance of practicing safe, sensible and thoughtful activities. Great Lakes water levels are below last year’s record levels but will continue rising before peaking in the… Read More
The National Park Service has selected a plan that provides a streamlined framework for Cape Hatteras National Seashore to manage over the next 20 years activities such as including beach nourishment, dune rebuilding, habitat restoration and emergency breach fill, with conditions. National Park Service South Atlantic-Gulf Regional Director Stan Austin and U.S. Fish and Wildlife… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, recently selected Woodbury, Minn. resident and St. Paul District security technician, Robert Altmann for its 2020 Lt. Col. Ronald C. Francis Best Antiterrorism Program Manager Award and its 2020 Antiterrorism Honor Roll. Altmann was nominated for his work on the St. Paul District antiterrorism program during… Read More
COVINGTON, Va – The Norfolk District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducted a semi-annual inspection of the Gathright Dam on May 10-14 as part of the District’s comprehensive dam safety program ahead of yearly pulse releases scheduled to begin in June. The inspection team, which consisted of geotechnical, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers from… Read More
Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill introduced by state Rep. Larry Hoff, R-Vancouver, streamlining the permitting process for dredging on the Columbia River. Under Hoff’s legislation, House Bill 1193, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will have more leeway to maintain navigation channels on the river, if plans have undergone environmental policy reviews and it… Read More
HOUSTON, May 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation (NASDAQ:GLDD), the largest provider of dredging services in the United States announced today the receipt of several major dredging awards totaling $112.8 million. The awarded work includes: Mobile Harbor Navigation-Phase 3 Project (Capital, Alabama, $53.9 million) Golden Triangle Marsh Creation Project (Capital,… Read More
After taking a helicopter trip over the algae-spattered Lake Okeechobee Monday, Gov. Ron DeSantis made it clear how he thinks the federal government should manage it. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should keep Lake O’s level lower in the dry winter season to reduce harmful discharges that can carry toxic algae to coastal estuaries, DeSantis said from Jonathan… Read More
UPDATE: At its May 10 meeting, the CEPD commission voted 4-0 to accept its staff and consultants’ recommendations and award the bid to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock. The Captiva Erosion Prevention District’s engineering firm for the upcoming beach renourishment project presented its bid recommendation to the commission during a recent workshop meeting. On May… Read More
MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. (WPMI) — At its May 10 regular meeting, the Mobile County Commission approved accepting funds from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s (NFWF) Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (GEBF) of $22.6 million for construction of the Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline & Habitat Restoration Project. These funds are leveraged with an additional $7.85 million… Read More
“The Memphis District is responsible for maintaining a safe and dependable Mississippi River navigation channel to a minimum of 9 feet deep and 300 feet wide at all times and at all river stages,” Project Manager Mark Mazzone said. That’s why projects like this, the Mississippi River Channel Improvement Stone Repairs Task Order – Forked… Read More