The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ New York District Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point (FIMP) Project Delivery Team (PDT) has received the Army Corps’ National Outstanding Planning Achievement Team Award (Enterprise) for fiscal year 2020 ─ recognizing exceptional team efforts on specifically-authorized feasibility studies and executing the Army Corps’ civil works mission. The team… Read More
PHILADELPHIA — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced the release of a draft report for the New Jersey Back Bays Coastal Storm Risk Management Study. The report outlines a ‘Tentatively Selected Plan’ framework, which includes three storm surge barriers, two cross-bay barriers, and the elevation of more than 18,000 structures to reduce the… Read More
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, continues to monitor water levels at its Mississippi River Headwaters reservoirs. The water levels in the reservoirs, except for Pokegama Lake, are below the summer target level, which is the level maintained for water supply, environmental and recreational benefits. All reservoirs are releasing the… Read More
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is closely monitoring water levels at its Lac qui Parle reservoir, near Watson, Minnesota. Below average precipitation and drought conditions continue to impact the reservoir level and discharge. Lac qui Parle reservoir is currently at a pool elevation of 933.3 feet and is releasing the minimum flow of 20 cubic feet… Read More
The history of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District spans more than two centuries. During this time the Louisville District has acquired many diverse programs and missions, one of them being the nationwide reserve program. The Louisville District provides project management and planning support for Army Reserve Centers in the United States and… Read More
A construction effort as massive as the Houston Ship Channel Expansion Improvement Project — designed to accommodate the wider and deeper ships now carrying goods back and forth between Asia and the U.S. — has many regulatory requirements that need to be met. With 30 years of regulatory experience, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development… Read More
PORT HOUSTON PROJECT 11 MILESTONE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT SIGNED BILLION DOLLAR INFRASTRUCTURE WIDENING PROJECT TERMS Presentation and Media Availability WHAT: Port Houston presents Partnership Agreement to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) officially committing as the non-federal sponsor to terms* of channel infrastructure widening project of the Houston Ship Channel. WHEN: Thursday, August 19 at 10:00… Read More
DULUTH, Minn., – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin to repair its southern Vessel Yard Pier beginning the week of Aug. 23, 2021. Repairs will last through Oct. 31, 2021 and resume in the Spring of 2022. The repairs should be complete no later than Sept. 9, 2022, taking place weekdays 6 a.m…. Read More
Fincantieri Marine Group member Marinette Marine Corp., Marinette, Wis., has been awarded a $38,172,896 cost-plus-fixed-fee modification to previously awarded contract N00024-20-C-2300 to exercise an option for fiscal 2021 engineering and class services requirements in support of detail design and construction of the Constellation-class guided-missile frigate. Work will be performed in Marinette (40%); Newport News, Va…. Read More
US federal agency is considering an auction for the Wilmington East Wind Energy Area The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is preparing a supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) to consider additional wind leasing options off North Carolina and South Carolina. Specifically, BOEM is considering a lease sale for the Wilmington East Wind Energy Area (WEA),… Read More
A new project on the lower Mississippi River is bringing together crowd-source information from Mississippi River vessels with a host of other data to form the U.S.’s first “SmartPort.” Through their partnership, The Water Institute of the Gulf worked closely with the Port of New Orleans, IBM, and Crescent Towing in developing tools that successfully… Read More
Mission, BC –City of Mission Council has resolved that Fraser River Pile and Dredge (GP) Inc. be awarded the contract for the installation of the Fraser River Forcemain. Fraser River Pile and Dredge (GP) Inc. submitted the highest-scoring proposal for the amount of $18,960,400 and is within the proposed budget which includes funding from government… Read More
FAIRHOPE – Repairs to bulkheads damaged by Hurricane Sally and a dredged channel are among the improvements planned at the Fairhope Marina, city officials said. The Fairhope City Council voted Monday, Aug, 9 to approve bulkhead repairs at the city marina on Sea Cliff Drive. Asphalt Services was the low bidder with a submission of… Read More
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Navy Expeditionary Combat Forces (NECF) validated their capabilities to integrate and execute across a range of military operations as part of Large-Scale Exercise (LSE) 2021. This integration was showcased during Expeditionary Port Damage Repair (ExPDR) training on Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, 9 – 16 August. ExPDR supports the fleet… Read More
PITTSBURGH – The work of a maintenance fleet is not exactly medical surgery, but when it comes to repairing massive machinery on the water, it’s close. “It’s like an emergency room setting. We just come in to a facility, we do whatever we need to keep it operational, and keep the traffic going up and… Read More