JACKSON COUNTY, MI – There’s $1 million coming from the state’s 2022 budget to help Jackson County dredge the lagoons at Cascades Falls Park. But, county officials say that won’t cover the full cost of the project. The rest of the money would have to come from county funds, such as the general fund or… Read More
On Tuesday, Oct. 19, the Crescent City Board of Harbor Commissioners unanimously voted to pay $14,000 to Portland-based GeoEngineers to provide dredge spoils management services to the port – a contract that commissioners said was a step in the right direction, but which drew criticism from others as still being too slow to fix the… Read More
From a jump tower renovation for paratroopers in Vicenza, Italy to a fire station for humanitarian assistance in Armenia to European Deterrence Initiative projects in Romania and Bulgaria, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Europe District’s Bryce Jones is responsible for documenting, evaluating, and monitoring contractor performance for an area that spans more than 2,800 miles… Read More
Federal funds are back on tap for sand nourishment projects in Carolina Beach and Kure Beach, but back-and-forth interpretations of a law designed to discourage development in storm-prone coastal areas leaves Wrightsville Beach cut out, for now. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently announced it had shifted construction funds to projects for two of… Read More
When it comes to disaster response, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is one of several federal agencies tasked with helping survivors recover. Often serving under the Federal Emergency Management Agency as the lead agency for engineering, or emergency support function #3, USACE teams from across the nation train in a variety of skills to… Read More
TISBURY – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking input from residents, federal, state, and local agencies, and native American tribes on proposed work in Vineyard Sound at 190 Beach Road in Tisbury. The Corps had recently received a permit application to conduct work in the area by the Town of Tisbury. The proposed… Read More
After months of planning and coordinating with local partners and four weeks of hard work, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District completed a project cleaning homeless encampment debris from the banks of the San Gabriel River and San Jose Creek near Whittier Narrows Dam, Oct. 22, in the San Gabriel Valley, California…. Read More
After almost two decades of working on coastal protection and restoration efforts in Louisiana, Carol Parsons Richards knows all too well the destruction hurricanes can cause. A coastal resources scientist manager for the state’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, Richards also realizes how critical storm modeling is to help prepare for a future made unpredictable… Read More
DETROIT- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials forecast Great Lakes water levels to continue seasonal water level decline in the coming months. Detroit District Watershed Hydrology Section Chief Keith Kompoltowicz and Watershed Hydrology Section Physical Scientist and lead water level forecaster Dee Apps discuss this fall and winter’s water levels outlook in the fourth ‘On… Read More
USACE kicked off their Innovation Summit for the week on Monday 10/25/21. The summit is a showcase for USACE innovations from both R&D and applied practices as well innovations in human capital and business processes. The USACE wants to move a typically risk averse culture to one that will embrace more innovative ideas. Lt. Gen…. Read More
Jefferson County has taken the next step toward pursuit of the largest coastal restoration project in the United States. This month, the commissioner’s court approved the second part of a twenty-year effort to restore the county’s beach and dunes, in part funded by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill that has brought more than $1… Read More
Colin Powell, 65th U.S. Secretary of State said, “Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.” This week, USACE Omaha District… Read More
A public comment period is open on how to address future dredging operations in Hatteras Inlet, a step in a years-long process to make the inlet more navigable for the state-run ferry, as well as everyday charter and commercial fishing vessels. The public comment period ends Nov. 18 and corresponds with a Draft Environmental Assessment, or… Read More
VICKSBURG, Miss. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District Thatcher Lock and Dam (L&D) pool elevation has fallen below normal pool level and is continuing to fall, due to a leak in the seal of the hinge crest gate. This is of no danger to the integrity of the structure but will… Read More
VICKSBURG, Miss. – Adam Sisco has joined the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory’s Hydrologic Systems Branch at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). Sisco earned his bachelor’s degree in geoscience from Mississippi State University in 2016 and his master’s degree in atmospheric science from the University at Albany, State University of New York… Read More