Two U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District leaders met with community members, military partners, educators and local elected leaders March 7 at Bob Hope Patriotic Hall in downtown LA for the U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion Los Angeles’ Community Partners Meeting. Lt. Col. Jeffrey Beeman, LA District deputy commander, joined Funke Ojuri, the chief… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is in the process of updating the Shoreline Management Plan for Cecil M. Harden Lake located in Rockville, Indiana. The Cecil M. Harden Shoreline Management Plan is being updated due to USACE assuming sole responsibility of the program. The purpose of the USACE Shoreline Management Program is… Read More
In a continuing project to improve the health of the San Gabriel River and reduce risk to the public, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District cleared 144 tons of litter and debris March 6-13 from a stretch of riverbed near Azusa. The land along the river is maintained by the LA… Read More
USACE Jacksonville District will conduct a virtual public National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping presentation March 29, 2023, to solicit public comments for consideration in its planned maintenance dredging of sections of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW).The envisioned maintenance dredging will address seven discrete sections (cuts) of the 160-mile-long waterway, which extends from the mouth… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to conduct Grays Harbor maintenance dredging in the Outer Harbor from April 5, with the USACE hopper dredge vessels Yaquina and Essayons. The Yaquina is expected to start dredging in the outer harbor of Grays Harbor around April 5 and will dredge approximately 11 days. The Essayons is… Read More
On the second page of the town referendum ballot, just after the municipal elections, is Article 3 of the town warrant, asking voters to appropriate $1,055,500 for a harbor dredging project. The budget committee recommends a “no” vote and the Select Board recommends a “yes” vote. If the article passes, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE)… Read More
On Haven Beach on Virginia’s Middle Peninsula, trees are dying as the surrounding marshlands slowly convert into ponds. As the sea continues to rise, salt from the Chesapeake Bay is more easily sprayed through the wind onto surrounding flora, destroying it. The marshes are also becoming more susceptible to invasive plant life that thrives on… Read More
The 35-acre lake at Heritage Park in Olathe has become heavily silted and is due to be dredged later this year, Johnson County Park and Recreation District officials have decided. The dredging operation, which has been budgeted at $7.2 million, will involve draining much of the lake so that the lake bottom can be reshaped… Read More
Ampelmann, the Dutch offshore access provider, has signed six new contracts in the offshore wind market in the United States for 2023, 2024 and 2025. The contracts set for 2023 have been secured for work on two new offshore wind farms being built off the coast in New England. In the coming year, Ampelmann’s motion… Read More
Dredging will start soon on a Lake Michigan channel that otherwise would be impassable to all watercraft. Water depths in the Mona Lake Channel are as low as 1 foot in some areas, said Travis Ghezzi, owner of T.R. Ghezzi, the company that will be completing the dredging work. “There’s no way someone could get… Read More
The Jacksonville Port Authority received a $35 million refund in untouched funds from its 11-mile, $420 million harbor deepening project. Officials from the Army Corps. of Engineers presented a check to JaxPort during its March 27 board meeting. Port officials announced in May 2022 that the four-year effort to dredge the 11-mile federal shipping channel… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States from the Maine Department of Transportation for proposed work in an unnamed tributary to the Cathance River where it crosses under Interstate 295 in Topsham, Maine. The proposed work involves slip lining an… Read More
Nashville District leaders, engineers and project managers hosted stakeholder roundtables this week to provide updates and an opportunity to visit the district’s two mega construction projects. Lt. Col. Joseph Sahl, Nashville District commander, said the concept of the “roundtables” with industry and agency stakeholders is building relationships through communication, which involves hosting them at the… Read More
Los Angeles District Commander Col. Julie Balten led a team from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to review several military and civil works project sites Mar. 14-17 in Arizona. During the visit, the district met with military commanders and city leaders in Arizona to discuss future projects and promote the district’s engineering and construction… Read More
Pasadena-based consulting and engineering firm Tetra Tech Inc. announced today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s water office awarded it a five-year, $105 million contract to restore and protect watersheds and water bodies throughout the United States. Under this EPA blanket purchase agreement, Tetra Tech will identify, analyze, and evaluate surface water and coastal ecosystems… Read More