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Canal Del Dic Dredging Project Starts in Colombia

Posted on August 11, 2023

The national infrastructure agency, ANI, reported through concessionaire Ecosistemas del Dique that, within the framework of the project, the dredging operation will begin this week for the “restoration of the degraded ecosystem of Canal del Dique”, and to maintain navigability in the canal. started in the Calamar and Pascaballos area, an activity that will be carried out by the contractor Dragados Hidrálicos SA.

It should be noted that before the start of the above activities, he indicated that the necessary environmental permits and authorizations were processed by the Maritime Directorate of the Port Captaincy – DIMAR, the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Dock Canal – CARDIQUE and the Ministry of Transport. and received. Through the Sub-Directorate of Transit, which has authorized the restriction of river traffic in the time slot in which the dredging will be carried out.

Thus, the permitted hours for navigation are from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Sunday. These restrictions are authorized based on recommendations issued by SQUID and the Cartagena River Inspection, which deemed the event feasible.

Two dredgers will be used for these works: one in Calamar between kilometer 1 and kilometer 4 and the other at kilometer 115 towards the mouth of the Cartagena Bay. It is estimated that an average of 3,000 cubic meters of material will be removed in about 120 days.

“With these interventions, the Magdalena River is cleared of sediment material that limits navigation in the canal and its mouth, thereby contributing to the social well-being of the communities, as well as maintaining the dynamism of the river, Shipping under safe conditions is guaranteed to have the least impact on the environment,” he concluded.



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