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Can Boston Harbor be saved from coastal flooding? One group says yes and it knows how

Bill Golden is leading a working group to deal with flooding in Boston Harbor, which affects 16 communities. Wheeler Cowperthwaite/The Patriot Ledger

Posted on June 22, 2021

BOSTON HARBOR — Bill Golden has a dream that he says could save all the municipalities around Boston Harbor, including six South Shore communities, if a superstorm were to strike bringing with it catastrophic flooding.

Golden, leading a media tour of the harbor to tout the plan, said tidal gates could save all the communities that touch the Boston Harbor, including Milton, Quincy, Braintree, Weymouth, Hingham and Hull, as sea levels rise and the risk of superstorms increases, driven by climate change.

A true sense of urgency is driving Golden and the Boston Harbor Regional Storm Surge Working Group, made up of 16 communities and other stakeholders that are impacted by the harbor, as 100-year storms and 500-year storms become more common, including the 2012 Superstorm Sandy that caused $50 billion in damage and killed 117 people.

President Joseph Biden is trying to open a different set of floodgates — trillions of dollars in federal funding for infrastructure projects. But there’s one problem, Golden said: The state has taken no leadership role for what is a regional problem.

Tidal gates are nothing new. New Bedford’s tidal gate has been touted as the reason it is the richest port for 19 years in a row. Providence has its own tidal gate, also called a hurricane barrier, run by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Golden said a tidal gate would need to be done in combination with other measures, such as sea walls.

The state puts $25 million a year into funding sea wall rehabilitation, while the needs for sea wall repairs across the state are $650 million and growing.

A former Federal Emergency Management Agency director for New England said federal money is available for projects like these, but the state has to ask. Massachusetts already had the structure in place do much of the legwork, through the Office of Coastal Zone Management, Louis Elisa said.

Golden said Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch has been a leader in the storm surge working group.

“Koch is a visionary, a true steward of Quincy,” he said.

However, state law makes it very hard for communities to pool their resources, including to commission studies, like those that would be needed to show the federal government that building a tidal gate is a worthwhile project, Golden said.

How do tidal gates work?

If a storm is coming, the tidal gates close at low tide, essentially creating a coastline between Pemberton Point in Hull and Deer Island, locking in the low-tide level and locking out the rising waters outside the harbor. The tidal gates should prevent tidal and storm surges from increasing the water level in the harbor.

At the same time, the increase in water level in the harbor from rainwater should not increase the harbor’s level significantly above the low-tide mark.

During a storm surge, water from streams and rivers headed to the ocean can be pushed back by coastal flooding, which then causes more inland flooding.

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Seawalls alone are also problematic because they can create a “bathtub” effect, where water either comes to them from inland, and builds up, or splashes over, and builds up.

Allowing storm water to flow into the bay then reduces flooding.

Bill Golden stands on a pier in Boston Harbor, which is currently susceptible to catastrophic flooding. Golden wants a tidal gate system to prevent that.

“It’s 175 miles around, so that’s a big swimming pool to fill up,” Golden said.

Weymouth Emergency Management Director John Mulveyhill said his baseline storm is the blizzard of 1978, which was the worst he has seen. However, more recent storms, including two in 2018, showed that catastrophic flooding can and will happen on the South Shore. That was the first time he had to evacuate people from their homes and make rescues from the second story of houses.

Mulveyhill said he has seen the “bathtub” effect and a tidal gate would be part of the puzzle of how to save infrastructure and homes from catastrophic flooding.

Golden said storms are one problem but they are exacerbated by sea level rise, which then creates even higher storm surges.

Insurance premiums would go down

Massachusetts Coastal Coalition President Joe Rossi said a tidal gate system would reduce flood insurance premiums, or flood insurance would not be required for many coastal areas because the risk of flooding would decrease.

Joe Rossi, an expert in flood insurance, said a tidal gate system would reduce insurance requirements and premiums for areas prone to flooding from Boston Harbor.

Rossi, who also works as a flood insurance broker, said many people in New Bedford are shocked to find out their new house requires flood insurance because they assumed it was in the area protected by the flood gate and exempted from flood insurance requirements.

Reductions in insurance premiums are a reflection of how much flooding risk is diminished with the flood gate or levy systems, he said.

What would a tidal gate system cost?

Golden said the cost would be in the billions, but it would require a study to pin down a better cost estimate. A study is also needed to present evidence to federal officials that the state should receive federal funding to prevent coastal flooding in Boston Harbor.

The state has not even asked the Army Corp of Engineers to consider building tidal gates, Golden said.

A 2018 report on the feasibility of such a system estimated the cost of a tidal gate system for the harbor at $8 to $11.8 billion. By contrast the Big Dig in Boston cost an estimated $24.3 billion.

Golden said he disputes that estimate, which he called fundamentally flawed because the design contemplated a 1,500-foot tidal gate and bad placement of the rest of the system, which doubled the estimated cost.

Moving the tidal gates further into the harbor would allow for a 600-foot tidal gate, bringing costs down and creating a safer location for ships to pass through.

“We’ve been looking at a variety of locations and designs that address and resolve that fatal flaw in the UMass study,” he said.


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