Posted on July 9, 2020
For the first time in nearly two centuries, the Cuyahoga River is flowing freely through Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
The Brecksville Dam, which is also known as the state Route 82 Dam, Station Road Dam and Canal Diversion Dam, is now gone from the river.
Also gone is the original dam at the site, the wooden Pinery Dam, which was built in 1827 to divert water from the river into the newly constructed Ohio & Erie Canal.
The construction of the 8-foot-high, 163-foot-wide, concrete-and-steel dam in the early 1950s by the American Steel and Wire Co. for industrial use created a dam pool that hid the old wooden structure underwater. There is a natural waterfall under the concrete.
Although no longer needed to cool the steel mills downstream, the dam, located just north of the Station Road Bridge Trailhead, still fed the watered section of the canal, part of which is designated a National Historic Landmark from Wilson Feed Mill to Rockside Road.
The removal has been studied for about three decades.
Officials have said the dam interrupts the natural flow and negatively affects water quality of the river. Dams also harm fish habitat, change streamflow and water temperatures and create increased sedimentation of rivers and streams, significantly decreasing water quality, according to Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
The removal process started in May with notching a hole in the dam to lower the water level and slowly release a buildup of sediment. Crews documented the two dams for a historical report with photos before demolishing both dams.
The next step will be the installation of a screw pump, which will help control the water level in the nearby section of the canal. The work is expected to wrap up by the fall.
Concrete from the 1950s-era dam will be reused to stabilize the riverbank near the supports for the State Route 82 bridge. Some of the wooden timbers from the Pinery Dam are being preserved for the National Park Service’s museum collection, but there are no plans to put them on display.
“It was surprisingly well intact when the water level went down and revealed it,” Cuyahoga Valley National Park public information officer Pamela Barnes said of the remnants of Pinery Dam.
The section of the Towpath Trail near the river remains closed for the duration of the project. The railroad tracks are closed to all pedestrians north of the railroad boarding station. The river above and below the dam within the construction area is also closed to paddlers and anglers.
“Even though the dams are gone, it’s still not safe to paddle through there,” Barnes said. “It’s still an active construction area.”
Barnes said those interested in getting a view of the site can do so from the Station Road bridge, adding people can see the water is now several feet lower with the dams gone.
The project is part of the effort to delist the Cuyahoga River as a Great Lakes Area of Concern, where human activities have caused significant impairment of beneficial uses.
The Cuyahoga River Area of Concern includes the lower 46.5 miles of the river, starting at the Gorge Dam pool on the border of Akron and Cuyahoga Falls and ending at Lake Erie.
The removal of the Brecksville Dam will eliminate a barrier to fish migration, restore a more natural flow to the river and make the river safer for paddlers.
“It’s not that stagnant dam pool anymore,” Barnes said. “It’ll help with fish being able to come upstream and spawn, so we’re looking at some definite improvements to the habitat for fish and those macroinvertebrate bugs that live in the bottom.”
The park also is working on a restoration project of the river between Boston Mills Road in Boston Township and Vaughn Road in Brecksville in an effort to delist the river as an area of concern.
The dam removal project is a partnership among the National Park Service, the Friends of the Crooked River, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. The project contractor is Kokosing Industrial.
Friends of the Crooked River is the fiscal agent on the $1.3 million project. Funding includes an $800,000 U.S. EPA grant and a $900,000 contribution from the city of Akron, which is paying for part of the project in place of paying additional civil penalties associated with a 2009 consent decree. Some of the funding was previously used for studies on the dam’s removal.
The Brecksville Dam is the latest in a series of dams to be removed in an effort to improve water quality by letting the 100-mile river flow naturally. Dams in Kent, Munroe Falls and two in Cuyahoga Falls have already come down in recent years.
With the Brecksville Dam gone, the Gorge Dam is the last one scheduled to be removed on the Cuyahoga. The dam at Lake Rockwell, which provides drinking water for Akron, will remain.
Located in Gorge Metro Park, the 420-foot-wide, 60-foot-tall Gorge Dam was built in 1911 for hydroelectric power and later provided cooling water for a coal-fired power plant.
The Gorge Dam is no longer functional and is slated for removal in the early 2020s. The four-phase project, which is expected to reveal the buried waterfall for which Cuyahoga Falls is named, comes with a $70 million price tag that will include removing 832,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment — including heavy metals, oil and grease — from the 1.4-mile-long dam pool behind the dam that’s currently used by fishers.
A meeting on the status of the Gorge Dam removal was planned for March but was canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic and has not been rescheduled.
Contact Beacon Journal reporter Emily Mills at emills@thebeaconjournal.com.
Source: beaconjournal