Posted on March 28, 2016
A marsh restoration project at the Round Island Coastal Preserve in Pascagoula is scheduled to begin this week.
The project, which is a partnership between Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality and the state Department of Marine Resources will see the removal of about five million yards of dredge material removed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from the Pascagoula Channel.
The dredging will cost about $8 million, which will come from $21 million of some initial BP oil spill settlement money.
The Round Island project is part of National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Utilization of Dredge Material for Marsh Restoration Project which identifies Beneficial Use material from dredging activities and then finds suitable sites to receive that BU material to restore marsh in areas that have seen degradation over the past decades and especially where affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
The overall project includes plans for sites in all three coastal counties.