Posted on December 13, 2016
STONE HARBOR – In a short meeting of the Stone Harbor Borough Council, Dec. 6, three ordinances were adopted.
Two of the ordinances set higher rates for water and sewer services throughout the borough. Council President Karen Lane explained that the cost of removing the pipes from a beach, along with the aging infrastructure that is increasingly unable to meet growing demand require increases in fees.
The ordinances allow for fee increases for both sewer and water in 2017, 2018 and 2021.
The quarterly allowance has also been reduced in 2017 from 13,000 gallons to 10,000 gallons.
The third ordinance adopted was a $1.5-million bond for beach and bay improvements mainly dealing with the costs associated with beach replenishment and bay dredging.
Council member Mantura Gallagher introduced a resolution permitting the borough to apply for county Open Space funds for improvements to its bike paths. The bikeway initiative discussed at earlier council meetings would then be a part of the county-wide effort to link bike paths throughout the county.
The effort is seen as beneficial to the growing eco-tourism component of the county economy.
Council also authorized the mayor to execute a state aid agreement for the borough’s participation in the shore protection project that is to extend from Townsend’s Inlet to Cape May Inlet. It is a 12-mile area of the coast. The estimated cost to the borough is $787,977.
The flood and coastal storm damage reduction program includes 4.3 miles of beach fill, 2.2 miles of seawall construction along Townsend’s Inlet and Hereford Inlet, and ecosystem restoration at Stone Harbor Point, including beach fill and dune construction.
The federally-funded beach fill projects for Stone Harbor and Avalon have been delayed by a dispute with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the use of sand borrow area in Hereford Inlet.
A one-time compromise for this year was reached when state DEP funds were offered as a substitute for that portion of federal funding that was to be directed to the disputed borrow area. The replenishment effort is expected to begin soon after the new year and be completed before the start of the 2017 summer season.
Source: Cape May County HERALD.COM