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BOEM responds to concerns regarding offshore wind energy project

Posted on June 19, 2024

As the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) moves forward with the offshore wind energy project, many Oregonians are left concerned.

BOEM wants the public to know that they continue to take everyone’s comments into consideration, saying it’s important for them to show their work based on what the public has to say.

BOEM said that they are committed to listening to tribal nations, local communities, the state of Oregon as well as all stakeholders.

However, much more needs to be done before the wind energy project is completed.

“The lease is the first step and that just gives a lessee an opportunity to collect more data and information so that they can submit a plan and then you know, that’s when well actually have a project that we’ll review and there will be a full environmental impact statement,” said BOEM’s Pacific Regional Director, Douglas Boren. “Once we review that project, once we get the specifics and details and that construction operation plan.”

According to Oregon Seafood Commodity Commissions, Oregon is home to one of the world’s most productive marine regions, as well as some of the best-managed fisheries in the world.

Due to many known and unknown environmental and socioeconomic risks with the wind energy project, the fishing industry is highly concerned.

“We are strongly against of the moving forward without scientific evidence that this technology will not destroy the ocean and our fisheries. That’s what we’re against. We are against irresponsible development, we’re against rushing through this development, without asking questions,” says Yelena Nowak, the executive director of the Oregon Trawl Commission.

The Oregon Seafood Commodity Commissions have been working with BOEM since 2019.

However, they stated that their comments and the comments of many others are not being heard and are now asking the public to stand with them and ask questions on the wind energy project to better respect and protect the ocean.

Oregon Seafood Commodity Commissions also stated that the fishing industry will be the most impacted and they are asking BOEM for scientific evidence to prove that this project will not harm the ocean and marine life.


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